Boris de Fast

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Boris de Fast , born as Boris Fastowitsch , (born June 6, 1890 in Feodossija , Russian Empire ; † after 1966, presumably in France) was a stage and film actor of Russian descent who lived in France for most of his life, as well as a film editor and screenwriter and finally a makeup artist .


Born in Crimea , Boris de Fast belonged to a family of actors. Until 1921 he directed his own family theater company. After the Bolsheviks finally took over power in his southern Ukrainian homeland, he turned his back on the country and followed his sister, actress Nathalie Kovanko , and her husband, film director Viktor Tourjansky , in the stream of numerous Russian artists via Constantinople, Athens and Italy to Western Europe. In France, where a number of Belarusian filmmakers and theater makers had already settled, de Fast, his sister and her husband continued their cinematic activities. De Fast should remain closely connected to Tourjansky in the future.

Like his sister, De Fast took part in a number of Tourjansky productions during the silent film era, but also in works by other Russian directors in exile, as well as in Abel Gance's large-scale portrait of the general Napoleon . In the last two years of silent film (1928 to 1930) Boris de Fast was seen in German film studios with productions as diverse as Volga-Volga , Manolescu , The Ship of Lost People and The Land Without Women . Not knowing the German language, his acting career was largely over here, as in France, with the beginning of the talkie era. De Fast looked for other fields of activity, initially wrote (in the early 1930s) scripts (again for Tourjansky), worked briefly as an editor and finally concentrated on the work of a make-up artist. De Fast carried out the latter activity until 1966, after which it disappeared from the public eye. When and where he died is not yet known.


as an actor
as a screenwriter
  • 1926: The Tsar's Courier (Michel Strogoff)
  • 1933: Hélène (L'ordonnance)
  • 1934: The False Tsar of Kazan (Volga en flammes) (also assistant director)
as a film editor
  • 1933: Hélène (L'ordonnance)
  • 1933: The Battle (La Bataille)
  • 1935: Black eyes (Les Yeux noirs)
  • 1937: The Lie of Nina Petrovna (Le Mensonge de Nina Petrovna)
  • 1938: Adrienne Lecouvreur
as a makeup artist
  • 1926: Napoleon
  • 1934: Les Affaires publiques
  • 1939: Thieves and Love (Battement de coeur)
  • 1946: Chanson of love (Étoile sans lumière)
  • 1946: Martin Roumagnac
  • 1947: La Fleur de l'âge
  • 1948: Les Parents terribles
  • 1950: Three telegrams (Trois télégrammes)
  • 1951: Drug curare (Identité judiciaire)
  • 1952: Une fille sur la route
  • 1953: Grand Gala
  • 1954: Les intrigantes
  • 1954: Frou-Frou, the Parisian (Frou-Frou)
  • 1955: Gervaise
  • 1956: In 80 days around the world (Around the World in 80 Days)
  • 1957: You still have three days (Trois jours à vivre)
  • 1957: Police Action Dynamite (Échec au porteur)
  • 1957: Elevator to the scaffold (Ascenseur pour l'échafaud)
  • 1959: Paris crime scene (125, rue Montmartre)
  • 1961: Colonel Strogoff (Le Triomphe de Michel Strogoff)
  • 1966: The Adventurers (Les Aventuriers)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Dates of life according to les gens du cinéma