Bosco Büeler

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Bosco Büeler (born April 24, 1952 , legal domicile in Mosnang ) is a Swiss architect / building biologist SIB / IBN, vocational school teacher / organizational and personnel developer / HF lecturer and politician ( glp ).


Bosco Büeler grew up in Flawil with four siblings. After an apprenticeship as a civil engineering draftsman at the municipality of Flawil, he studied civil engineering at the St. Gallen evening technical college from 1975 to 1977 until he completed his intermediate diploma . From 1973 to 1975 he was a site manager in the engineering office in Wepf, Flawil, for waste water treatment plants, roads and sewer systems, engineering projects for reinforced concrete and timber construction. In 1978 he completed his studies with a diploma as architect / building biologist at the Institute for Building Biology and Ecology (IBN) in Neubeuert .

In 1975 Büeler founded a planning office for building biology / building ecology, solar energy , alternative technologies and energy concepts, which deals with the conception and implementation of building biology projects. In 1997 the sole proprietorship was converted to Bosco Büeler GmbH.

Büeler was politically active in the Greens and, since 2008, in the Green Liberal Party of St. Gallen. Among other things, he is co-founder of the car sharing platform Mobility . Büeler now lives in Winterthur and has three grown sons.

Political career

At the beginning of 2000, Büeler was elected to the St. Gallen Cantonal Council and served from 2004 to 2008 as parliamentary group president of the Greens / glp / EPP in the Cantonal Council Presidency . In 2001 he was one of the first representatives of the green liberal wing within the Green Party in the canton of St. Gallen. Finally, in 2008 he switched from the Greens to the Green Liberal Party (glp) in the Canton of St. Gallen.

In 2006, Bosco Büeler was the initiator of the St. Gallen cantonal initiative “Doubling renewable energy by 2020”. As a cantonal councilor, he submitted proposals for a subsidy article and for the establishment of an energy institute SG, which was founded in 2012 as an energy agency. All three concerns are now enshrined in law.

Building biology / building ecology

During his career, Bosco Büeler has dovetailed the theoretical relation to the subject of building biology / building ecology with practical experience. For almost ten years, he also ran a company that, as a general contractor, carried out entire renovations and, above all, several hundred solar systems .

Since 1985 he has given guest lectures on the subject of building biology / building ecology at the ETH Zurich, among others . From 1990 to 1992 he taught environmental sciences at the University of Zurich with a focus on ecology and building biology . In 1991 he was involved in founding the building construction engineering school at the St. Gallen building management school. The subject of building biology / building ecology was first introduced at a higher technical college. Bosco Büeler lectured architecture and building services coordination there for over 20 years.

At the end of the 1990s, Büeler spent several stays in the USA, where he contributed his knowledge to various universities, including the IBE International Institute of Building Biology and Ecology and Colorado State University . From 2008 to 2009 he was also co-founder and co-director of the postgraduate course NDS Construction-Energy-Environment at the St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences.

In 2010, Bosco Büeler founded, a new information portal for ecological and healthy building, living and living in German-speaking countries.

Bosco Büeler is a board member for the SIB and vice-president of the European building products label natureplus , initiator, co-founder and head of a citizens' initiative and non-profit organization with the aim of making a concrete and measurable contribution to climate protection, as well as editor-in-chief of an internet platform the aim of spreading the idea of ​​a healthy and ecological way of life.


  • Binding Prize 1992 SIB Switzerland. Institute for Building Biology Flawil (SG) & Heinz Frick, Ruggell, Liechtenstein. From 1981 to 1993, Bosco Büeler was the central secretary of the SIB in Flawil.
  • 1997 co-winner of the first ecological architecture award of the Swiss interest group building biology / building ecology SIB for the new building of the Federal Statistical Office in Neuchâtel
  • 1998 co-winner of the Swiss Solar Prize, the European Solar Prize, for the same BFS building, in close cooperation with the architectural firm Bauart.
  • 2000 Awarded the “Global Network ECOHB Award” for special merits in the development and practical implementation of building biology; Handover in Semarang / Indonesia on the occasion of a workshop for university lecturers.
  • 2013 “Climate Prize Switzerland & Liechtenstein” from the Zurich Insurance Group

Publications (selection)

  • Eco guide with business directory 2008/09, ecological building and living - living and enjoying naturally . GIBB 2007, ISBN 3-952-31821-3
  • Positive list: building ecology / building biology material recommendations . Swiss Interest Group for Building Biology - Building Ecology, Gerber, Hässig and Partner (Bütschwil, Sankt Gallen), Gerber, Hässig & Partner 1995, ISBN 3-952-08470-0

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ratsinformationssystem Kanton St.Gallen. Retrieved April 24, 2013 .
  2. Tagblatt Online from January 11, 2008. Accessed April 24, 2013 .
  3. Binding price
  4. Swiss interest group building biology / building ecology SIB
  5. Bauart ecological architecture award SIB
  6. type
  7. bauart Global Network ECOHB Award
  8. Zurich Climate Prize