Boy Meets Girl (film)

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German title Boy meets girl
Original title Boy meets girl
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 1984
length 100 minutes
Director Leos Carax
script Leos Carax
production Patricia Moraz
music Jacques Pinault
camera Jean-Yves Escoffier
cut Nelly Meunier
Francine Sandberg

Boy Meets Girl is a 1984 French romance drama directed by Leos Carax .


On May 24, 1983, at night in Paris : Maïté was thrown from their apartment by her husband Henri. She goes to Paris and throws his paintings and poems into the Seine . At the river is also Thomas, who is having a relationship with his best friend Alex's girlfriend, Florence. Alex goes to Thomas. Outwardly calm, he explains to him how he found out that Florence is cheating on him. He told her that she was a treasure, but she misunderstood him and assumed that he had accused her of having a lover ("T'es un amour" / "T'as un amant") and admitted everything . Suddenly Alex begins to choke Thomas, but lets go of him when he pulls a knife. Instead, he pushes it into the Seine and leaves. Meanwhile, Bernard leaves the apartment where he lives with young Mireille. He doesn't talk to her anymore. Only through the intercom in the house does he shortly afterwards make it clear to her that he has nothing more to do with their relationship and that he tells himself that Mireille is bad, even if he knows that this is not the truth. Bernard does not notice that he is being overheard during his conversation by Alex, who is standing not far from the front door. He follows Bernard into a café, where he loses a slip of paper while paying. It is an invitation to Bernard and Mireille from a certain Helen. She is giving a celebration on the tenth anniversary of her brother Stan's death.

Alex is going home. On his wallpaper, he wrote down numerous first times on a map of Paris: meeting Florence in 1980, his birth in 1960, his first kiss, the days he was raised. Now he notes his first attempted murder. He later begins drafting a script about Florence and Thomas on a typewriter. While he is writing, the relationship between a man and a woman, Anna, who later leaves the house, breaks up in the neighboring apartment. Alex also begins again to wander the streets of Paris at night listening to music. The next day he steals LPs in a shop, which he hangs on Florence's apartment door. He slips the beginning of the script under her door. In the evening, Alex goes to Helen’s celebration, pretending to be Bernard’s friend. Helen shows him the most important guests of the celebration, including Mireille. He finds her telephone number in a card index and copies it down. Shortly afterwards he sees her in the bathroom, she remains in a pose, open scissors over her wrists. A short time later she appears in his kitchen. She cut off her long hair. Alex and Mireille start a conversation, he reports that he has to go to the army the next day, admits to his attempts to become a filmmaker and how Florence left him. She tells him how she came from Blois to Paris a year ago to be close to Bernard and how Bernard despises her. She has already tried to take her own life several times. Half in thought and half real, Alex confesses his love to her at the end of the party. They leave the party together, but go their separate ways. Later that night Alex tries to call her, but she doesn't answer. He runs to her and hugs her stormily from behind in her apartment. She turns to him, dying, and asks him to help her. Only by changing perspective does it become clear that when he arrived at the apartment she had opened the scissors again in front of her and hid them from him in her clothes. His embrace thrust the scissors into her body. Alex falls lifeless next to her, Mireille collapses shortly afterwards.


Boy Meets Girl was Leos Carax's feature-length directorial debut. He made the film in black and white; the shooting took place in Paris in 1983. The film constructions come from Jean Bauer and Serge Marzolff . The film features the songs When I Live My Dream by David Bowie , Holiday in Cambodia by the Dead Kennedys and Je suis venue te dire que je m'en vais in an interpretation by Jo Lemaire .

Boy Meets Girl premiered in May 1984 at the Semaine de la Critique at the Cannes International Film Festival and was shown in French cinemas on November 21, 1984. In Germany, it was only released in cinemas on September 10, 1992 - after Carax's success with Die Liebenden von Pont-Neuf - and was shown in the original with subtitles.


The film-dienst called Boy Meets Girl an "irritating and beguiling first film", which "in its inner logic exclusively obeys the 'laws' of cinema and the feelings it triggers". For Cinema it was a "self-willed story in fascinating pictures".


At the 1984 Cannes International Film Festival, the film won the Prix de la jeunesse for French film. In the same year he was nominated for a Golden Hugo for Best Directing Debut at the Chicago International Film Festival . In 1985, the film also received a César nomination in the category Best First Work .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Boy Meets Girl. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. Boy Meets Girl on