Figwort monk

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Figwort monk
Figwort monk (Shargacucullia scrophulariae)

Figwort monk ( Shargacucullia scrophulariae )

Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Superfamily : Noctuoidea
Family : Owl butterfly (Noctuidae)
Subfamily : Cuculliinae
Genre : Shargacucullia
Type : Figwort monk
Scientific name
Shargacucullia scrophulariae
( Denis & Schiffermüller , 1775)
Figwort monk caterpillar, resting head down
Shargacucullia scrophulariae in the caterpillar stage

The figwort monk ( Shargacucullia scrophulariae ) is a butterfly ( moth ) from the owl butterfly family (Noctuidae).


The figwort monk has a wingspan of 45 millimeters. He has a pronounced head of hair on his head. The front wings are brown-yellow, mostly lighter than the similar mullein monk ( Shargacucullia verbasci ) and gray on the front edge. The fore wing hem is clearly wavy. There is a slight lightening over the dark inner edge, usually without a white smudge. An exact differentiation from the mullein monk is often only possible with a genital examination . This shows the differences between the blades .

The caterpillars reach a length of up to 50 millimeters and vary in basic color between green, blue or yellow-white. The yellow topline dissolves into individual spots. On each segment there is a black drawing that has developed into a closed arc spot on both sides. There are more black spots below these arc spots. The head is yellowish with black spots. The caterpillars are similar to those of the gray-pollinated woolly monk ( Shargacucullia lychnitis ) and the mullein monk. They can be distinguished from the former by the black rings between the segments, from the latter by the stronger and simpler drawing pattern and the black vertical lines on the sides.

The doll is brown-yellow in color.

Similar species

Geographical occurrence and habitat

The figwort monk is an expansive species whose range extends in the north to the North and Baltic Seas . The species is widespread in Western and Central Europe . There is little evidence of the British Isles from the south of England , on the Iberian Peninsula it is widespread in central Spain. In the south the distribution area extends to Sicily and Greece . The south-west and south-east boundaries of the distribution area are currently insufficiently known due to the possibility of confusion with similar species. A proof from Morocco is classified as incorrect determination. The easternmost location is in western Turkey . In Germany the frequency decreases from south to north. The figwort monk can be found up to 1,600 meters in the Alps . The flight area extends to floodplains, rivers, streams and forest edges, but also slopes and rocky areas.

Way of life

The figwort monk forms one generation a year, the moths fly from mid-May to mid-August. The moths rest during the day. They fly to different flowers at dusk and in the evening and also come to light . The eggs are usually laid individually on the flowers of the forage plant. The caterpillars can be found from mid-June to mid-August. They feed on the following plants:

The caterpillars sit freely on the plant during the day. Obviously, their color has a deterrent effect on predators. They feed on the buds, flowers and preferably fruits of the host plant. Pupation takes place in autumn in the ground in a very firm cocoon , with the pupae often lying overhead for one to two years.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Heiko Bellmann : The new cosmos butterfly guide. Butterflies, caterpillars and forage plants. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-440-09330-1 .
  2. a b c d Manfred Koch : We determine butterflies. Volume 3: Owls. 2nd, expanded edition. Neumann, Leipzig / Radebeul 1972, DNB 760072930 .
  3. a b c Walter Forster , Theodor A. Wohlfahrt : The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 4: Owls. (Noctuidae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1971, ISBN 3-440-03752-5 .
  4. David J. Carter, Brian Hargreaves: Caterpillars and Butterflies of Europe and their Forage Plants. Blackwell Wissenschaftsverlag 1987, ISBN 3-8263-8139-4
  5. a b c d e Günter Ebert (Ed.): The Butterflies of Baden-Württemberg Volume 6, Nachtfalter IV. Ulmer Verlag Stuttgart 1997 (Eulen (Noctuidae) 2nd part), ISBN 3-8001-3482-9


  • Gábor Ronkay & László Ronkay: Cucullinae I . In: Michael Fibiger, Martin R. Honey, W. Gerald Tremevan (Eds.): Noctuidae Europaeae . tape 6 . Entomological Press, Sorø 1994, ISBN 87-89430-03-4 (English).
  • Gábor Ronkay and László Ronkay: The Witt Catalog A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea. volume II Cuculliinae I. 365 p., Heterocera Press, Budapest 2009 ISBN 978-963-88014-2-5

Web links

Commons : Braunwurz-Mönch  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files