Brigitte Baetz

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Brigitte Baetz (* 1964 in Würzburg ) is a freelance journalist and presenter, known from Deutschlandfunk .


Baetz studied political science , history and Romance studies in Würzburg, Cologne and Salamanca . During her studies she worked as a research assistant in the German Bundestag. After completing her studies, she became a freelance journalist specializing in media and politics and works permanently for Deutschlandfunk; she moderates the media magazine on the radio "Markt und Medien", today " @mediasres ", for which she is also an editor, and for the program "Wissenschaft und Bildung".

Since she started at Deutschlandfunk immediately after completing her studies, the media world has changed - according to her brief introduction - and in addition to new opportunities for a radio station, journalistic heights, but also errors, in the age of podcasts and audio-on-demand or online manuscripts, listeners react immediately caused what used to last weeks after the first broadcast. This closer contact with media consumers through the radio prevented her from applying to “Zeit”. The journalistic role models of their youth were “ Die Zeit ” journalists Marion Gräfin Dönhoff and Theo Sommer for their - in their words - opinionated analyzes. She has been teaching at the University for Media, Communication and Business in Cologne since 2017 .


  • 2005: Otto Brenner Prize 3rd place for critical journalism with the radio contribution “Opinions for Millions - How Interest Groups Influence Public Opinion” , Deutschlandfunk from August 26, 2005
  • 2011: Bert Donnepp ​​Prize together with the DLF editorial team of the magazine “Markt und Medien” , today “@mediasres” , in which she works.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nomination Committee - Grimme Online Award. Retrieved November 15, 2018 .
  2. - Brigitte Baetz . In: Deutschlandradio . ( [accessed November 15, 2018]).
  3. Brigitte Baetz. Retrieved October 24, 2019 .
  5. Author of the Deutschlandfunk distinguished - 3rd prize of the Otto Brenner Foundation for Brigitte Baetz. Accessed November 15, 2018 (German).