Brigitte Sanner

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Brigitte Sanner is a German actress and theater director.

Live and act

She was mainly present in front of the camera in the 1990s . She made television films under the direction of Thorsten Näter (e.g. Operation Medusa ) and was seen in the cinema, among other things, in Loriot's Pappa ante portas as an antechamber of the tube company. She made appearances in television series, among others in Friends for Life and How good that Maria exists .

In addition, Sanner is particularly active as a theater actress and also directed, e.g. B. for a production of Faust at the Young Drama Theater in Hanover . She also wrote books for children's plays called Pipolino - A Circus in Need or Maline and the Wonder Tree . Today she works as a graduate cultural pedagogue and runs a practice for child and adolescent psychiatry in Hanover, where she lives .


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