Brook Glacier

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Brook Glacier
location Ellsworthland , West Antarctica
Mountains Sentinel Range , Ellsworth Mountains
Coordinates 78 ° 42 ′  S , 85 ° 9 ′  W Coordinates: 78 ° 42 ′  S , 85 ° 9 ′  W
Brook Glacier (Antarctica)
Brook Glacier
drainage Bender glacier

The Brook Glacier is a glacier in the west Antarctic Ellsworthland . It flows in the Sentinel Range of the Ellsworth Mountains in a westerly direction between Mount Strybing and Mount Allen to the Bender Glacier .

The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named him in 2006 after the US geoscientist Edward J. Brook of Oregon State University , paleoclimatologist of the United States Antarctic Program in several field research campaigns in the Antarctic since 1988.

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