Bruce Bawer

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Theodore Bruce Bawer (born October 31, 1956 in New York City ) is an American literary critic , film critic , poet , political author and activist of the gay movement .


Bawer was best known for his political writings on Christianity , homosexuality and Islam . While Bawer primarily criticized Christian fundamentalism in the USA and its homophobia in earlier works , he increasingly turned to criticism of Islam in his more recent writings .

In his book While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within , which was also published in Dutch translation, he criticizes radical forms of Islam as a totalitarianism comparable to National Socialism and Communism . In The New Quislings , Bawer compares the Norwegian left with Vidkun Quisling and claims that they used the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Anders Behring Breivik to silence voices critical of Islam.

Bawer was quoted by the right-wing extremist assassin Anders Behring Breivik in his Manifesto 2083 - A European Declaration of Independence , in which Breivik referred to Bawer as his ideological role model.

In addition to several books, he wrote for Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal, among others . He is represented in the German-language monthly magazine, Eigenhaftlich, No. 93 (June 2009) with the article Immigration and the Welfare State: The Heirs of Pim Fortuyn .

In 1998 he moved from New York to Amsterdam because he expected a greater tolerance towards his homosexuality here . Today he lives with his partner in Oslo .


  • The Middle Generation: The Lives and Poetry of Delmore Schwartz, Randall Jarrell, John Berryman, and Robert Lowell, Archon Books, 1986, ISBN 978-0-208-02125-0
  • The Contemporary Stylist, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987, ISBN 978-0-15-513716-5
  • Diminishing Fictions: Essays on the Modern American Novel and its Critics, Graywolf Press, 1988, ISBN 978-1-55597-109-0
  • The Screenplay's the Thing: Movie Criticism, 1986-1990, Archon Books, 1992, ISBN 978-0-208-02332-2
  • A Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society. Simon and Schuster. 1994. ISBN 978-0-671-89439-9 .
  • Prophets and Professors: Essays On the Lives and Work of Modern Poets, Story Line Press, 1995, ISBN 978-1-885266-04-0
  • Beyond Queer: Challenging Gay Left Orthodoxy, Free Press, 1996, ISBN 978-0-684-82766-7
  • Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity. Random House Digital, Inc. 1998. ISBN 978-0-609-80222-9 .
  • While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within, Random House Digital, Inc., 2006, ISBN 978-0-385-51472-9
  • Surrender: Appeasing Islam, Sacrificing Freedom. 2009. ISBN 978-0-385-52398-1 .
  • The New Quislings: How the International Left Used the Oslo Massacre to Silence Debate About Islam, 2012, ISBN 978-0-06-218869-4 .
  • The Victims' Revolution: The Rise of Identity Studies and the Closing of the Liberal Mind, 2012, ISBN 978-0-06-180737-4

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. De var Breivik helter. In: Dagbladet . July 26, 2011, accessed December 19, 2013.
  2. ef-magazin No. 93 (June 2009) , accessed on December 19, 2013.