Bruno Baumgärtel

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Bruno Baumgärtel (born April 10, 1874 in Plauen , † 1928 in Clausthal-Zellerfeld ) was a German geologist , mineralogist , mining engineer and, as a photographer, a pioneer of underground photography.


Bruno Baumgärtel was in the early days of the German Empire in Vogtland born. After attending school, he studied mining in Berlin as well as mineralogy, petrography and deposit theory in Munich , where he received his doctorate in 1902.

Also from 1902 he worked as an assistant at the Mineralogical Institute of the Bergakademie Clausthal before he was appointed associate professor after the First World War and at the beginning of the Weimar Republic in 1918.

Bruno Baumgärtel is considered a pioneer of underground photography. He beginning of the 20th century as panels in parts of his works Lichtdruck published. Above all, his underground pictures from the time before the First World War are considered to be unique photo documents , "[...] which were created under difficult external conditions with an elaborate photo technique."

Publications (selection)

  • Upper Harz gait pictures. Six colored collotype plates , ed. and with accompanying text by Bruno Baumgärtel, Leipzig: Engelmann, 1907; online via the Braunschweig University Library and the DFG Viewer
  • The Upper Harz ore mining. In words and pictures , Clausthal 1912
  • About taking photographs in underground rooms [1913]. After a lecture given in the mining and smeltering association "Maja" zu Clausthal (with 2 text figures) ; in: Geologische Rundschau , Vol. 4 (1913), pp. 244–249; online via


  • Photography in the mine around 1900: Mine photography in the Upper Harz 1890 - 1910 ; Catalog for the exhibition Photographing in the mine around 1900 - mine photography in the Upper Harz 1890 - 1910 from November 6, 1998 to April 7, 1999, publisher: Oberharzer Geschichts- und Museumsverein, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Clausthal-Zellerfeld: Oberharzer Geschichts- und Museumsverein, 1998 ; in this:
    • Berthold Ansohn: protagonists of mine photography in the Upper Harz around 1900 ;
    • Enno Kaufhold : Bruno Baumgärtel's picture of the Upper Harz mining industry.

Web links


  1. ↑ In contrast to this, Baumgärtel was named as a university professor at the Clausthal Mining Academy as early as 1914; compare Dietrich Schäfer: Declaration by the university teachers of the German Reich , p. 9; [Page: Hochschullehrer1914.djvu / 9 Transliteration] at Wikisource

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d o.V. : Baumgärtel, Bruno in the database of Niedersächsische Personen (new entry required) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library , edited on September 17, 2012, last accessed on December 9, 2016
  2. Oliver Hess: formverbund / Exhibition / Museum Rammelsberg 2015 / special exhibition “Monument -aufnahme!” Photographs from the West Harz mining industry 1875–1989 on , last accessed on December 9, 2016