Buffalo Bill a Roma

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Original title Buffalo Bill a Roma
Country of production Italy
original language Italian
Publishing year 1949
length 85 minutes
Director Giuseppe Accattino
script Giuseppe Accattino
Gino Bistolfi
Redo Romagnoli
production Giuseppe Accattino
music Alfonso Salerno
camera Laszlo Szemte
Giovanni Vitrotti (b / w)
cut Guiscardo Simoncini
(as Guy Simon )

Buffalo Bill a Roma is an Italian adventure film with western elements from 1949 that was not shown in German-speaking countries. The black and white film was directed by Giuseppe Accattino. As the first Italian western after World War II , it is sometimes referred to as the "first spaghetti western ".


1906: Buffalo Bill goes on a European tour with his circus. During his stay in Rome, he and his assistant Red visited the estate of Countess Stefania; they are looking for suitable foals. There they meet the Countess' goddaughter, Maria, with whom Red falls in love. However, she is promised to the manager Pietro, whom she does not love. Therefore, she uses one of his jealous attacks to reward herself. From this dispute a rivalry develops between the shepherds, led by Pietro, and the cowboys of the circus, who take Red's side.

Pietro is an excellent trainer, in which he is inferior to Red. Nevertheless, Mary returned his love; at a nightly meeting they are surprised by their father, who dies in the resulting argument. Pietro intervenes in the fight; Red tries to kill him, but wounds Maria and is stabbed to death by the jealous Lolita, who he left for Maria. Maria asks Pietro for forgiveness and returns with him to the countess's estate.


In the Revisione cinematografica , in which the film commission assesses the submitted works, it says under the registration no. 8874 of November 24, 1950: "It is an extremely average film, both in terms of direction and representation." She also calls for the removal of a passionate kissing scene and cuts in a fist fight.


The only film by the Genoese director Accattino for his own company SILA Films refers to the actual visit to the Buffalo Bill circus in Rome.

The film was not shown for the first time until 1951; Released in theaters in 1953, it went largely unnoticed and only grossed 16.2 million lire .

Web links and sources

Individual evidence

  1. Archived copy ( memento of the original from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , under no. 217 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.sturzo.it
  2. ^ Anna Sacchi: Buffalo Bill a Roma, 2000