Tour of Bulgaria 1970

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XX. Tour of Bulgaria 1970
Competition period September 30th to October 10th, 1970
Stages 12
Overall rating 1. Fedor den Hertog 34:25:20 h 2. Dieter Gonschorek + 2:26 min 3. Dieter MickeinNetherlandsNetherlands 
Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR 
Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR  0

The XX. Tour of Bulgaria was a cycling race that took place from September 30 to October 10, 1970 . With twelve stages it led over 1,448 kilometers. The overall winner was Fedor den Hertog from the Netherlands .


78 drivers took part in the tour . One team each from the GDR, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Romania, France, the Netherlands, ČSSR, Switzerland and Yugoslavia as well as two teams from the host country Bulgaria. Each team started with six drivers.


The tour should consist of 13 stages. However, due to storms and rain, the seventh stage was canceled. Thus, a total of twelve stages with 1448 km were completed.

The winner of each stage received a time bonus of 60 seconds. The second placed received 30 seconds, the third placed 15 seconds.

1st stage: Sofia - Wraza, 120 km

The first stage led over 120 kilometers on a mountainous course from Sofia to Wraza . The stage was competitive from the start. The Dutchman Fedor den Hertog , in particular , kept setting accents. A group of three with Hertog, Dieter Mickein and the Italian Poloni finally reached the finish line first. Mickein secured the day's victory over Poloni in the final sprint. The Dutch took the lead in the team classification.

Individual stage evaluation
driver time
1. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Dieter Mickein 2:41:38 h
2. ItalyItaly Poloni + 0:30 min
3. NetherlandsNetherlands Fedor the Hertog + 0:45 min
4th NetherlandsNetherlands de Koning + 1:39 min
5. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Dieter Voigtländer + 1:44 min

2nd stage: Wraza - Slatina (team time trial), 48 km

A team time trial was on the program for the second stage . It ran over 48 km from Wraza to Slatina. The GDR sextet won the mountainous course in 59:34 minutes. Since the Dutch lost 1:17 minutes, the GDR also took the lead in the team classification.

Individual stage evaluation
team time
1. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR GDR 59:34 h
2. ItalyItaly Italy + 0:48 min
3. Bulgaria 1967Bulgaria Bulgaria + 1:11 min
4th NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands + 1:17 min

3rd stage: Slatina - Treben, 62 km

On the same day of the team time trial, the third stage was run over 62 km from Slatina to Treben. Shortly before the finish, Dieter Gonschorek pulled away from a top group of four and won the stage by five seconds. The other three drivers were swallowed up by the field. Dieter Mickein secured third place and thus defended his overall lead.

Individual stage evaluation
driver time
1. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Dieter Gonschorek 1:23:07 h
2. ItalyItaly Ongorato + 0:35 min
3. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Dieter Mickein + 0:50 min
4th Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Manfred Dähne + 1:05 min
5. Now

4th stage: Pleven - Gabrovo, 105 km

On the fourth stage over 105 km from Pleven to Gabrovo , the riders had to contend with cold wind and persistent rain. The Dutch attacked the overall standings and a leading group formed. From this group Dieter Gonschorek was able to repeat his previous day's success. Fedor followed Hertog and the Dane Markuse. Since Dieter Mickein crossed the finish line in the main field with a deficit of over two minutes (including time bonuses), Hertog took over the yellow jersey. The lead in the team classification also changed - the GDR just lost it to the Netherlands.

Individual stage evaluation
driver time
1. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Dieter Gonschorek 2:27:49 h
2. NetherlandsNetherlands Fedor the Hertog + 0:34 min
3. DenmarkDenmark Markuse + 0:50 min
4th FranceFrance Palka + 1:15 min
5. NetherlandsNetherlands Kulper + 1:18 min

5th stage: to Razgrad, 157 km

The Dutchman de Koning secured victory on the fifth stage to Razgrad over 157 km. Together with Nogeut and Poloni, he was more than two minutes ahead of the main field of 40 drivers.

Individual stage evaluation
driver time
1. NetherlandsNetherlands de Koning 3:46:23 h
2. Now + 0:30 min
3. ItalyItaly Poloni + 0:48 min
4th Oosterhof + 3:27 min

6th stage: to Tolbuchin 160 km

The sixth stage led to Tolbuchin over 160 km and, according to GDR trainer Bernd Barleben, was " probably the toughest stage of this tour ". It was characterized by rain, cold and a difficult route profile. The Italian Ongorato won ahead of Kowalczuk from Poland and Oosterhof.

Individual stage evaluation
driver time
1. ItalyItaly Ongorato 3:51:52 h
2. Poland 1944Poland Kowalczuk + 0:30 min
3. Oosterhof + 0:45 min
4th NetherlandsNetherlands Fedor the Hertog
5. Bulgaria 1967Bulgaria Tanew + 3:24 min

7th stage

After a day of rest, an individual time trial was planned for the seventh stage in Burgas . However, due to storm and rain, this was canceled.

8th stage: Varna - Burgas, 140 km

The eighth stage led over 140 km from Varna to Burgas . Despite the hard edge wind, the field reached the finish line as one. The Italian Ongorato secured victory in a sprint ahead of Dieter Gonschorek from the GDR. Thanks to the time credit, Ongorato moved up to second place in the overall ranking.

Individual stage evaluation
driver time
1. ItalyItaly Ongorato 3:21:12 h
2. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Dieter Gonschorek + 0:30 min

9th stage: Burgas - Sliven, 112 km

The first stage of this driving day led over 112 km from Burgas to Sliven . The Pole Kowalczuk prevailed in the sprint against Tobacco from the Netherlands and his compatriot Stachura. With the win, Kowalczuk improved to third place in the overall individual standings.

Individual stage evaluation
driver time
1. Poland 1944Poland Kowalczuk 2:47:39 h
2. NetherlandsNetherlands tobacco + 0:30 min
3. Poland 1944Poland Stachura + 0:45 min
4th ItalyItaly Giacomini + 1:00 min
5. AustriaAustria Mitteregger + 1:00 min

10th stage: Sliven - Stara Sagora, 68 km

The tenth stage in total, and at the same time the second of this day of riding, was 68 km long and led from Sliven to Stara Sagora . With the Yugoslav Cubric, the oldest driver in the field won. In the squares followed Manfred Dähne from the GDR and Dimow from Bulgaria.

Individual stage evaluation
driver time
1. YugoslaviaYugoslavia Cubric 1:34:57 h
2. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Manfred Dähne + 0:32 min
3. Bulgaria 1967Bulgaria Dimov + 0:47 min
4th NetherlandsNetherlands Kuiper + 1:02 min
5. DenmarkDenmark Marks + 2:32 min

11th stage: Stara Sagora - Plovdiv

The eleventh stage led from Stara Sagora to Plovdiv . A top group of nine reached the goal first. It included two Dutch, two Italians, a Czechoslovak, Savtschew from Bulgaria and Dieter Mickein , Dieter Gonschorek and Dieter Voigtländer from the GDR. The Italian Berletto briefly pulled away from the goal. Mickein and Gonschorek followed suit and reached him again. Gonschorek finally made way for Mickein and left him the stage win and the higher time credit for the overall ranking.

Individual stage evaluation
driver time
1. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Dieter Mickein 3:55:46 h
2. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Dieter Gonschorek + 0:30 min
3. ItalyItaly Berletto + 0:45 min
4th Bulgaria 1967Bulgaria Savchev + 1:02 min
5. ItalyItaly Giacomini + 1:04 min

12th stage: Pazardzhik - Blagoevgrad, 161 km

The twelfth stage covered 161 km from Pazardzhik to Blagoevgrad . One of the things to be mastered was a 13 km long ascent to Borowez with an incline of over ten percent. From a leading group, the Swiss chamberlain won ahead of the French Roques and the Dutch Tobacco. The GDR was only represented with two drivers in the leading group and therefore had to cede second place in the team classification to Bulgaria.

Individual stage evaluation
driver time
1. SwitzerlandSwitzerland Chamberlain 3:48:17 h
2. FranceFrance Roques
3. NetherlandsNetherlands tobacco

13th stage: to Sofia, 162 km

The last stage of this tour led over 162 km to Sofia . Dieter Gonschorek won in a sprint and moved up to second place in the overall standings thanks to the time bonus.

Overall ratings

Yellow jersey (individual rating)

During the tour there were two people wearing the yellow jersey - Dieter Mickein from the GDR wore it for three stages, the Dutchman Fedor the Hertog eight times. Hertog took over the jersey after the fourth stage and defended it until Sofia. He secured the overall victory with 2:26 minutes ahead of Dieter Gonschorek . Dieter Mickein reached third place.

space Surname time
1. NetherlandsNetherlands Fedor the Hertog 34:25:20 h
2. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Dieter Gonschorek + 2:26 min
3. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR Dieter Mickein
4th NetherlandsNetherlands de Koning + 3:09 min
5. Poland 1944Poland Kowalczuk + 4:56 min
6th ItalyItaly Poloni + 5:00 min


The team from the Netherlands secured the team standings with over 17 minutes ahead of Bulgaria and the GDR. The Netherlands had taken the lead on the first stage, lost to the GDR on the second, took over again after the fourth stage and defended it until the end of the tour.

space team Points
1. NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands 104: 29: 20 h
2. Bulgaria 1967Bulgaria Bulgaria + 17:32 min
3. Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR GDR + 17:38 min
4th DenmarkDenmark Denmark + 20:18 min
5. ItalyItaly Italy + 26:44 min
6th Poland 1944Poland Poland + 33:55 min
7th FranceFrance France + 45:19 min
8th. CzechoslovakiaCzechoslovakia Czechoslovakia + 48:55 min

Individual references / comments

  1. a b Der Radsportler, October 4th issue 1970, pages 3 to 5, Tour de Bulgarie 70 - Trainer Bernd Barleben wrote a tour diary , publisher: German Cycling Association of the GDR
  2. a b Der Radsportler, October 3, 1970, page 11, Dieter Mickein does not stick , publisher: German Cycling Association of the GDR. Bernd Barleben, however, writes in his tour diary (Der Radsportler, October 4th, 1970, pages 3 to 5) that it was the driver Poloni.


  • Der Radsportler, October 2, 1970, page 11, The beginning was promising Publisher: German Cycling Association of the GDR
  • Der Radsportler, October 3, 1970, page 11, Dieter Mickein does not stick , publisher: German Cycling Association of the GDR
  • Der Radsportler, October 4th issue 1970, pages 3 to 5, Tour de Bulgarie 70 - Trainer Bernd Barleben wrote a tour diary , publisher: German Cycling Association of the GDR