CT Moritz

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Carl Theodor Moritz (* 1772 ; † December 11, 1834 in Berlin ) was a German composer .


Almost nothing is known about Moritz's life. A number of reviews and the fact that he mainly published with the renowned publishers Breitkopf & Härtel and CF Peters suggest that he enjoyed some reputation during his lifetime. However, no biographical work about him is known from the 19th century, and archival sources have so far only emerged to a limited extent.

The title pages of the printed publications of his compositions published between around 1810 and 1822 show - not unusual for that time - only the initials "CT" instead of the first name. In a reference to its “musical addition” from February 1812, the Allgemeine Musikische Zeitung called the composer “Mr. secret. Cabinets Secret. CT Moritz in Berlin ”; in June 1814 “Mr. go. Secretary Moritz in Berlin ”. The fact that Moritz was a Prussian civil servant is confirmed by the Berlin address books, which from 1818/19 to 1835 kept a "Hofrath" Moritz, initially residing at Krausenstrasse 47 (today Berlin-Mitte). In 1818 he was mentioned once with the first name “Carl Theodor”, in the following years only with the initial “C.”, but from 1823 with the addition “Finanzrath at the General-Salz-Direktion”. In 1826 the company moved to Behrenstrasse. 53, 1833 in Schützenstr. 3, where he is mentioned for the last time in 1835 as "pens [ionized] Geh [eimer] Finanz-Rath ". From 1836 to 1850 there is only “Moritz, geb. Grathenow, administrative finance councilor ”.


In addition to songs and polyphonic chants, Moritz published the following instrumental compositions: two piano sonatas accompanied by flute or violin (op. 2 and 4), a sonata for piano with accompaniment by flute (or violin) and violoncello (op. 3), two "great concertante" Sonatas for piano and flute (op. 8 and 9), as well as two piano sonatas (op. 13 and 14). A piano is occupied in each of his works; possibly he was a pianist himself. The flute plays a prominent role in his chamber music works. His reputation was probably based on his vocal compositions, because the Brockhaus-Conversations-Lexikon of 1822 mentions in the article "Composers (the most famous of those living now)" on p. 702 in the section "Song composers" - alongside for example Beethoven , Spohr , Weber and Zelter - also CT Moritz. From 1813 to 1823 there were regular reviews of his publications in the Allgemeine musical newspaper and in the journal for literature, art, luxury and fashion .

Catalog raisonné

Preserved are - for example in the Berlin State Library (DMS & N. Mus. Nachl.) - prints of the following chamber music works, songs, polyphonic chants and piano sonatas (dating from op. 2 to 4 based on the plate numbers according to Musikverlagswiki, working aid for the dating of music prints or , from op. 5, based on the published reviews):

  • Sonata Pour le Pianoforte avec Accompagnement de Flûte ou Violon op. 2 [(1819 or) 1820]
  • Sonata Pour le Pianoforte with Accompagnement de Flûte ou Violon et Violoncelle op. 3 [1812]
  • Sonata Pour le Pianoforte with Accompagnement de Flûte ou Violon op. 4 [1820]
  • Thirteen songs and chants with accompaniment of the pianoforte op. 5 [approx. 1813]
  • Songs of love, with accompaniment of the pianoforte or the guitar op. 6 [1814]
  • Nine songs with accompaniment of the pianoforte op. 7 [1814]
  • Grande Sonate Concertante pour le Pianoforte et la Flûte op.8 [1814]
  • Grande Sonate Concertante pour le Pianoforte et la Flûte op. 9 [1814 or 1815]
  • Three- and four-part (mixed) chants with accompaniment of the pianoforte op. 10 [1816]
  • Three- and four-part (mixed) chants with accompaniment of the pianoforte op. 11 [1816]
  • Songs of love, with accompaniment of the pianoforte or the guitar, 2nd collection op. 12 [1816]
  • Sonata pour le Pianoforte op. 13 [1817]
  • Sonata pour le Pianoforte op. 14 [1818]
  • Songs with accompaniment of the pianoforte op. 15 [1822]
  • Song “To the setting sun” in E flat major WoO - based on the poem “Flee for ever, oh mildness!” From Johann Friedrich Kind's novella “The beautiful ice girl”

Op. 2 to 5 and op. 7 were published by Breitkopf & Härtel, op. 6, op. 8 to 12 as well as op. 14 (and probably also op. 13) by Peters in Leipzig and op. 15 by Christiani in Berlin.


Apart from contemporary reviews of his compositions, there is no literature on CT Moritz. Reviews - sometimes only mentions - in the " Allgemeine Musikischen Zeitschrift ":

  • op. 5 - vol. 15 April 1813, col. 272-274
  • op. 7 - vol. 16 December 1814, col. 846–848
  • op. 8 - vol. 17 December 1815, col. 844
  • op. 9 - vol. 19 January 1817, col. 20
  • op. 10 - vol. 18 March 1816, col. 217-218
  • op. 12 - vol. 19 November 1817, col. 791–792

and in the " Journal for Literature, Art, Luxury and Fashion ":

  • op. 8 - born 30 January 1815, p. 31
  • op. 9 - born 30 May 1815, p. 272
  • op. 11 - born August 31, 1816, p. 529
  • op. 12 - born December 31, 1816, p. 808
  • op. 13 - Vol. 32 November 1817, pp. 801–802
  • op. 14 - Vol. 33 August 1818, pp. 481–482
  • op. 15 - Vol. 37 September 1822, p. 526
  • op. 15 - vol. 38 August 1823, p. 588

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anke Sieber: Franz Lauska. Biography, letters, catalog raisonné. Hainholz, Göttingen 2016, ISBN 3-86988-219-0 , p. 467, footnote 562.
  2. Jerusalemkirche (Berlin) : Church book . Funerals. No. 567/1834.
  3. Allgemeine Musical Zeitung Volume XIV Sp. 115/116 (No. 7 of Feb. 12, 1812) ; the supplement itself with two songs by Moritz (op. 5 no. 1 and op. 5 no. 12) on the following pages.
  4. Allgemeine Musical Zeitung Volume XVI Sp. 379/380 (No. 22 of June 1, 1814) ; The following page is a reflex to the withdrawal of Napoleonic troops from Berlin in 1813 Moritz's setting of Ernst Moritz Arndt's “Des Deutschen Vaterland”.
  5. ^ Berlin address books
  6. http://www.lieder.net/lieder/get_settings.html?ComposerId=7751
  7. [1]
  8. http://musikipac.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/ipac_musik/catalog/main?cn=S&lin=S4640664&rin=S4640739&ro=1&css=11&cop=:osy
  9. http://www.lieder.net/lieder/assemble_texts.html?SongCycleId=6656
  10. http://digital.slub-dresden.de/werkansicht/dlf/181269/3
  11. https://opacplus.bsb-muenchen.de/metaopac/singleHit.do?methodToCall=showHit&curPos=2&identifier=100_SOLR_SERVER_852084429
  12. https://rds-blb.ibs-bw.de/opac/RDSIndex/Search?lookfor=%22c+t+moritz%22&type=AllFields&limit=10&sort=py+desc%2C+title
  13. http://digital.slub-dresden.de/werkansicht/dlf/164059/3/0/
  14. http://musikipac.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/ipac_musik/catalog/main?cn=S&lin=S4640664&rin=S4640742&ro=1&css=11&cop=:osy
  15. "To the setting sun"