Callopanchax toddi

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Callopanchax toddi
Superordinate : Earfish relatives (Atherinomorphae)
Order : Toothpies (Cyprinodontiformes)
Subordination : Aplocheiloidei
Family : Nothobranchiidae
Genre : Callopanchax
Type : Callopanchax toddi
Scientific name
Callopanchax toddi
( Clausen , 1966)

Callopanchax toddi is a West African representative of the killifish . The colorful animals are well-known aquarium fish , but due to their demands (see reproduction ) and short life expectancy, they are rarely kept. The species wasfirst introduced to Germany in1963 as a subspecies of the golden pheasant pheasant , but received its own species status in 1966.


The distribution of the species is limited to West Africa and there to the area of ​​western Sierra Leone . It populates there mainly small and tiny pools of water and swamps, which can also dry out with the seasons.


The body shape is stretched club-shaped with an upper mouth. In captivity, the males reach a total length of up to eight centimeters, while the females remain slightly smaller. The basic color is a metallic blue with bright red dots, especially in the back area. The dorsal and anal fin are band-shaped, the caudal fin is elongated. All fins have red bands and white seams. The males in particular are very colorful, while the females are much less contrasting.

Way of life

The animals live individually or in loose groups in herbaceous shallow water areas, where they feed on smaller invertebrates and insects that have fallen into the water. The intraspecific aggressiveness is particularly pronounced in the males.


Callopanchax toddi is a seasonal fish . In order to adapt to the habitats that regularly dry out, the eggs are laid in the muddy ground where they go through a resting phase during the dry phase, which can last for several months. If the water is replenished in the rainy season , the fry hatch after a short time and become sexually mature after eight to ten weeks.


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