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Camptopoeum frontale

Camptopoeum frontale

Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
without rank: Bees (Apiformes)
Family : Real bees (Apidae)
Genre : Bees
Scientific name
Spinola , 1843

The colored bees ( Camptopoeum ) are a genus from the family of Andrenidae within the bees with about 20 species. Five species have been described throughout Europe , of which two species, Camptopoeum friesei and Camptopoeum frontalis, occur in Central Europe . Only the latter occurs in Germany.


The bees reach a body length of 6 to 10 millimeters. They look similar to the shaggy bees ( Panurgus ), but differ from them by their continuous yellow bands on the segments of the abdomen, as well as yellow spots on the face and thorax . Their otherwise black body is slightly hairy. The relatively large compound eyes are bright.


The animals are rare in Central Europe. Camptopoeum friesei occurs more frequently in Burgenland and colonizes soils containing soda ( Solonchak ) around Lake Neusiedl. The bees fly in one generation per year from July to August.

Way of life

The females create their nests in small to large communities in the flat as well as steeply sloping ground. They prefer areas with almost no vegetation. From the main corridor of the nest branch off more or less at right angles side corridors, at the end of which the horizontally lying cells are placed individually. These are filled with a moist mixture of nectar and pollen from knapweed ( Centaurea ) and thistles of the subfamily Carduoideae . The bees therefore feed themselves oligolectically . The mixture is collected with a brush, which consists of loosely arranged hairs on the heels and rails of the hind legs, and transported on the rails of the hind legs as a lump. After the provisioning, the females lay an egg in the cell, close the cell and fill the side passage with earth again. Pupation takes place without a cocoon . The adults of the new generation burrow to the surface in the summer of the following year. Pasites minutus is known as the cuckoo bee of the bees.

Species (Europe)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ P. Westrich: The wild bees of Germany . E. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2018, p. 508 .
  2. Camptopoeum. Fauna Europaea, accessed December 20, 2009 .


  • Andreas Müller, Albert Krebs, Felix Amiet: Bees. Central European species, way of life, observation. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1997, ISBN 3-89440-241-5 .

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