Carl Anton Ferdinand von Forstenburg

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Carl Anton Ferdinand Graf von Forstenburg (born December 29, 1767 in Braunschweig , † September 24, 1794 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a Prussian officer and illegitimate son of Hereditary Prince Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand of Braunschweig and Maria Antonia von Branconi .


On a trip to Italy in 1766, Duke Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand met his long-time mistress Maria Antonia von Branconi. From this relationship arose Karl Anton Ferdinand, who was born on December 29, 1767 and was baptized as a Protestant in St. Andrew's Church. The grandfather, Duke Karl I , who acted as baptismal witness , campaigned for the illegitimate child to be raised to the rank of imperial count as Count Forstenburg. At the beginning of 1773 his education was transferred to the literary historian and university professor Johann Joachim Eschenburg . This was continued from June 23, 1777 by Carl Johann Conrad Michael Matthaei , with whom he moved to Strasbourg shortly afterwards for a few years . There the only 10-year-old count was enrolled at the University of Strasbourg with his teacher .

In February 1785, Count Forstenburg went to Lorraine, where he joined the Schonberg dragoon regiment as an officer . In the Battle of Kaiserslautern at the end of November 1793, in which his father was in command, he suffered serious injuries, to which he succumbed on September 24, 1794. He was buried in the Peterskirchhof in Frankfurt .

Other acquaintances

Carl Anton Ferdinand von Forstenburg was known, among others, to Johann Caspar Lavater and Prince Franz , whom he received together with his teacher Matthaei in Strasbourg. An acquaintance with Goethe can also be assumed, as he often stopped by at Gut Langenstein , where Carl Anton Ferdinand spent several years with his mother. The Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia owed Count Forstenburg money for a horse, so that an acquaintance can also be accepted here.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of Langenstein . Website of the city of Halberstadt, accessed on February 4, 2019