Carl August Knoderer

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Charles A. Knoderer
Funerary monument in Charles Evans Cemetery in Reading, PA

Carl August Knoderer (born March 26, 1824 in Emmendingen , † February 15, 1863 in Suffolk (Virginia) ) was a revolutionary during the March Revolution of 1848/1849 and a colonel during the American Civil War .


Carl August Knoderer studied at the Polytechnic in Karlsruhe , where he became a member of the Teutonia fraternity in 1843 . Then he did his military service and became a lieutenant . He later worked as an engineer in the civil service . Knoderer took part in the Baden uprising and then fled to the United States .

In 1849 Knoderer came to Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania . In 1861 he volunteered for the army with the 167 Pennsylvania Infantry and became a captain on Franz Sigel's staff . He took part in the Missouri campaign of General John C. Frémont . In an attack on January 29, 1863 as part of the Battle of Deserted House , Knoderer was wounded by shrapnel . He was taken to the regimental hospital in Suffolk, where he later died. He was buried in the Charles Evans Cemetery in Reading, where his funerary monument has been preserved.


  • Emmendinger Heimatkalender 7, 1956.
  • V. Watzka, GA Auer: The Sun of Freedom - The Revolution of 1848/49 in the Oberamt Emmendingen, Volume 2, 1998.
  • SP Bates: Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania, Part 2, 1876. References
  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Volume 7: Supplement A – K. Winter, Heidelberg 2013, ISBN 978-3-8253-6050-4 , pp. 563-564.

Web links

Commons : Carl August Knoderer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files