Carl Edward Norström

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Carl Edward Norström (born May 30, 1815 in Åkersberg , Trollhättan , Sweden , † September 5, 1871 in Norrköping ) was a Swedish engineer and railway builder .

Norström began his studies in 1830 as a student of engineering with the expansion of the Trollhätte Canal . After completing other canal construction work in Värmland , Norström was made lieutenant in 1836 and captain in the mechanical marine corps in 1846. From 1848 to 1849 he traveled extensively in Europe and America in order to gain experience as an engineer and especially to study railway construction. After his return he became a project planner for the construction of the first railways in Sweden, Kristinehamns Järnväg and Frykstadbanan .

In 1851 Norström was appointed chairman of the railway committee that was then established and in 1852 a major in the semi-military Väg- och vattenbyggnadskåren . In addition, he became the head of the northern road and hydraulic engineering district (norra väg- och vattenbyggnadsdistriktet) . In 1855 he and the then Major Carl Gottreich Beijer were assigned to the chief engineer Nils Ericson to work on the expansion of the state railway network. With that, Norström began extensive activities as a railway builder. As chief engineer from 1858 to 1865 and as district engineer from 1865 to 1871, he was in charge of the construction of major parts of the Västra stambanan , Södra stambanan , Nordvästra stambanan and Östra stambanan . He was responsible for more than 700 km when building the main lines in Sweden. He was made a lieutenant colonel in the civil engineer corps in 1863.

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