Carl Friedrich Christian von Großheim

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Carl Friedrich Christian von Großheim (born June 28, 1776 in Ilten ; † June 24, 1851 in Lübeck ) was a German teacher and school founder.

Live and act

Carl Friedrich Christian von Großheim was a son of Friedrich von Großheim (* 1743, † around 1803) and his wife Christiane Sophie Charlotte, born von Gottfried. His father initially worked as an officer, later in Linden as a veterinarian and horse dealer. After attending a private elementary school in Hanover, he went to a Latin school in Neustadt. From around 1785 he often traveled with his father on business trips as his assistant and therefore had to forego regular school visits. From 1788 to 1790 he lived with his uncle in Lauterberg and worked in forestry. He then attended botanical lectures in Göttingen for a time .

Due to insufficient previous knowledge for a degree, von Großheim moved back to his parents. He studied at the Old Town Latin School in Hanover and the military school for artillery. From 1792 he had to do military service and fought as a Hanoverian artillery officer during the First Coalition War against France. In 1796 he made the decision to become a teacher and attended the teachers' seminar in Hanover.

In 1798 the Lübeck Cathedral Syndic, Christian Adolph Overbeck, stayed at the teachers' seminar in Hanover, where he was looking for teachers for the Lübeck “Industrial School for poor girls” and the Sunday School. Großheim got a job and was the only teacher in Lübeck who had attended a teachers' seminar. He taught at the industrial school of the " non-profit " and was quickly able to achieve considerable success. He also gave private tuition to students who wanted to pursue commercial professions. Since there was still no secondary school in Lübeck, the educational institution in which von Großheim taught was very popular. In 1800 he set up his own private school for boys. In 1804 he co-founded the "Educational Institute for Women", which later became the Ernestine School and which he initially directed himself. Due to conflicts among the principals, he resigned the school administration in 1805.

Due to the sharp increase in the number of pupils at the boys' school, von Großheim ended his activity in the industrial school in 1805. In February 1806 he bought a house on Braunstraße . He moved his school here, set up a boarding school for foreign students and lived there. French soldiers looted the building in November 1806 after the Battle of Lübeck , depriving him of most of his property. During the French period in Lübeck and the resulting economic impact, he had to sell the house in 1811. The school moved into rented rooms. In 1813 the former officer volunteered as a senior adjudicator in the Lübeck Citizens Guard .

After the French occupation, von Großheim's situation improved only slowly. In 1815 he founded a girls 'school, which existed together with the boys' school until 1826. In 1820 he moved the school into his own school and residential building on Hüxstrasse . His sons helped him reform his school comprehensively in 1828. In the 1830s he established a fourth and fifth grade. The classes consisted of the subjects usual for elementary schools as well as math, science, French, English, Swedish, business studies and physical exercise. In 1850, von Großheim's institution was the largest such school in Lübeck. Gustav Friedrich Bruhns took over the school management, which von Großheim held until shortly before his death. The school was nationalized in 1923. Due to falling student numbers, it was closed in 1931.

Von Großheim was an honorary member of the Lübeck teachers' association.


Von Großheim married Catharina Elisabeth Kröger on October 6, 1800 in Lübeck (born September 16, 1776 in Lübeck; † March 25, 1841 there). She was a daughter of the writing teacher Jochim Friedrich Kröger and worked as a teacher.

The couple from Großheim had a daughter and two sons. The daughter Therese married the Lübeck merchant Friedrich Ewers . Two other daughters and a son died at a young age. The architect Karl von Großheim was one of the grandchildren .


  • Alken Bruns: Großheim, Carl Friedrich Christian von . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 12 - 2006. ISBN 3-529-02560-7 , pages 144-146.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alken Bruns: Großheim, Carl Friedrich Christian von . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 12 - 2006. ISBN 3-529-02560-7 , pages 144-145.
  2. ^ Alken Bruns: Großheim, Carl Friedrich Christian von . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 12 - 2006. ISBN 3-529-02560-7 , page 145.
  3. ^ Alken Bruns: Großheim, Carl Friedrich Christian von . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 12 - 2006. ISBN 3-529-02560-7 , page 145.
  4. ^ Alken Bruns: Großheim, Carl Friedrich Christian von . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 12 - 2006. ISBN 3-529-02560-7 , page 145.
  5. ^ Alken Bruns: Großheim, Carl Friedrich Christian von . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 12 - 2006. ISBN 3-529-02560-7 , pages 145-146.
  6. ^ Alken Bruns: Großheim, Carl Friedrich Christian von . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 12 - 2006. ISBN 3-529-02560-7 , page 146.
  7. ^ Alken Bruns: Großheim, Carl Friedrich Christian von . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 12 - 2006. ISBN 3-529-02560-7 , page 145.
  8. daughter of v. Großheims, who founded the "Großheim School", later the trade school and, for some years now, the Emil Possehl School. Ludwig Ewers put him in his novel “Die Großvaterstadt”, one of the three Lübeck city novels (the other two are Thomas Mann'sBuddenbrooks ” and Minna Rüdiger's “Unvergessenes”) in the characters of the teacher “v. Hohenstein ”and his two daughters a literary monument. Therese von Großheim drowned in the Trave .