Carl Friedrich Graumann

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Carl Friedrich Graumann (2004)

Carl-Friedrich Graumann (born March 31, 1923 in Cologne ; † August 8, 2007 ) was a German psychologist and university professor.

Graumann dealt with both theoretical problems and empirical research in psychology. In basic research, he pursued new approaches. The focus of his work was in the following areas:

  1. The importance of language for psychology and its empirical investigation
  2. The entanglement of cognition and communication
  3. The ecology of human experience and behavior
  4. The historicity of all human experience and psychological knowledge

As a representative of social psychology in the German-speaking area, he recognized the intersections of this area with general psychology , such as memory . His publication on "Interaction and Communication" from 1972 can be regarded as an important contribution to the development of communication psychology . The Collaborative Research Center “Language and Situation”, which he initiated, was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Here researchers from psychology, linguistics, sociology and other sciences worked together for several years on a subject-specific basis, which enhanced the interdisciplinary context within psychology.

Graumann worked to ensure that psychology could establish itself as a science and practice in the German-speaking area. As a board member of the German Society for Psychology , which he chaired from 1968 to 1970, he published for the first time a "report on the state of psychology", which has been prepared by the respective presidents every two years since then. In the first of these reports he chose a format that is still relevant today, reflecting psychology as a science, as a subject and as a profession; in the sense of his ideology, this would have to be supplemented by the area of ​​representation of psychology in public.


Graumann took advantage of distance learning psychology at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada in 1943/44. He finished his studies in psychology, philosophy and physiology at the Universities of Cologne and Bonn. His doctorate in psychology took place at the University of Cologne in 1952. He completed his habilitation at the University of Bonn in 1959. From 1963 until his retirement in 1991, Graumann was a full professor at the University of Heidelberg . In 1962 he was visiting professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and at the New School for Social Research (Graduate Faculty) New York City in 1973/74. He came to various research stays at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris. In 1984 he married the psychologist Lenelis Kruse .

Graumann was spokesman for the research group “Speaking and Understanding Language in a Social Context” in Heidelberg / Mannheim from 1983 to 1988 and the Collaborative Research Center “Language and Situation” Heidelberg / Mannheim from 1989 to 1993. He was also an honorary member of the DGPs and a founding member of the Wilhelm Wundt Society .

Together with Hubert Feger, Martin Irle and Klaus Holzkamp , he founded the Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie in 1970 (published since 2008 under the title Social Psychology ). With Johannes Linschoten (1925–1864) Graumann published the series of publications on phenomenological-psychological research .

Research priorities

History of psychology , especially social and environmental psychology; Psychology as a human science ; the phenomenological approach in psychology; Perspectivity in language and thinking ; Linguistic discrimination


Fonts (selection)

  • Social perception: The motivation of perception in recent American studies. In: Journal for Experimental and Applied Psychology . Volume 3, 1956, pp. 605-661.
  • On the actual genesis of thoughts and ideas. In: H. Thomae (Ed.): Report on the 22nd Congress of the German Society for Psychology in Heidelberg 1959 . Hogrefe, Göttingen 1960, pp. 158-160.
  • Phenomenology and Descriptive Psychology of Thought. In: R. Bergius (Ed.): Allgemeine Psychologie. I. The structure of knowledge. 2nd half volume: learning and thinking . Hogrefe, Göttingen 1964, pp. 493-518.
  • Thinking and thinking psychology. In: CF Graumann (Ed.): Thinking . Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1965, pp. 13–43.
  • Consciousness and Awareness. Problems and findings in psychological research on consciousness. In: W. Metzger (Ed.): Allgemeine Psychologie. I. The structure of knowledge. 1. Half Volume: Perception and Consciousness . Hogrefe, Göttingen 1966, pp. 79-127.
  • as editor: Social Psychology. 1st half volume: Theories and methods. Hogrefe, Göttingen 1969.
  • Speaking and thinking. In: J. Schlemmer (Ed.): Language - Bridge and Obstacle . Piper, Munich 1972, pp. 23-34.
  • The relationship between thinking and speaking as a psychological problem. In: A. Rucktäschel (Ed.): Language and Society . Volume 131, UTB, Stuttgart 1972, pp. 139-153.
  • as editor: Social Psychology. 2nd half volume: Research areas. Hogrefe, Göttingen 1972.
  • Motivation . 3. Edition. Hans Huber, Bern 1974.
  • Was EA Dölle a phenomenologist? In: T. Herrmann (Ed.): Dichotomy and Duplicity. Basic questions of psychological knowledge. Ernst August Dölle in memory . Hans Huber, Bern 1974, pp. 97-107.
  • The ecological question - 50 years after Hellpach's “Psychology of the Environment”. In: G. Kaminski (Ed.): Umweltpsychologie. Perspectives - Problems - Practice . Klett, Stuttgart 1976, pp. 21-25.
  • with A. Métraux: The phenomenological orientation in psychology. In: KA Schneewind (Hrsg.): Scientific Theory Foundations of Psychology . Reinhardt, Munich 1977, pp. 27-53.
  • Behavior and action. Problems of distinction. In: W. Schluchter (Ed.): Behavior, action and system. Talcott Parsons' Contribution to the Development of the Social Sciences . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1980, pp. 16-31.
  • with M. Wintermantel: understanding language as understanding situations. In: J. Engelkamp (Ed.): Psychological aspects of understanding . Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 1984.
  • Consciousness and Behavior. Thoughts on language games in psychology. In: H. Lenk (ed.): Theories of action interdisciplinary. Volume 3, 2nd half volume: Behavioral and psychological theories of action . Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munich 1984, pp. 547-573.
  • Phenomenological analytics and experimental methodology in psychology - the problem of mediation. In: K.-H. Braun, K. Holzkamp (ed.): Subjectivity as a problem of psychological methodology. 3rd International Congress of Critical Psychology . Campus, Frankfurt 1985, pp. 38-60.
  • Heterogony of Will: A phenomenological-psychological suggestion to rework the psychology of will. In: H. Heckhausen, PM Gollwitzer, FE Weinert (Ed.): Beyond the Rubicon: The will in the human sciences . Springer, Berlin 1987, pp. 53-66.
  • Appropriation. In: L. Kruse, CF Graumann, E.-D. Lantermann (Ed.): Ecological Psychology: A Handbook in Key Terms . Psychologie Verlags Union, Weinheim 1996, pp. 124–130.
  • with KJ Gergen (Ed.): Historical dimensions of psychological discourse. Cambridge 1996.
  • On the ecology of memory. In: G. Lüer, U. Lass (Ed.): Erinnern und Behalten. Ways to Study Human Memory . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1997, pp. 269–286.
  • Individuality, discipline, and obstinacy of psychology. In: C. Funken (Ed.): Sociological obstinacy. To "discipline" the social sciences . Leske + Buderich, Opladen 2000, pp. 177–190.
  • with H. Hühn and T. Jantschek: Keyword behavior. In: J. Ritter (Hrsg.): Historical dictionary of philosophy . Schwabe, Basel 2001, Volume 11, pp. 680-689.
  • The phenomenological approach to people-environment studies. In: RB Bechtel, A. Churchman (Eds.): Handbook of Environmental Psychology . Wiley, New York 2002, pp. 95-113.
  • Phenomenological thoughts on psychological memory research. In: G. Echterhoff, M. Saar (Hrsg.): Contexts and cultures of remembering. Maurice Halbwachs and the paradigm of collective memory . UVK, Konstanz 2002, pp. 59-74.
  • Tolerance and perspective. In: F. Heinzel, A. Prengel (Ed.): Heterogeneity, integration and differentiation in the primary level . Leske + Budrich, Opladen 2002, pp. 22-30.
  • with W. Kallmeyer: Perspective and perspectivation in discourse: An introduction. In: CF Graumann, W. Kallmeyer (Eds.): Perspective and perspectivation in discourse . John Benjamin, Amsterdam 2002, pp. 1-11.
  • with L. Kruse: Spatial Environment. The perspective of human-ecologically oriented environmental psychology. In: P. Meusburger, T. Schwan (Ed.): Human Ecology. Approaches to overcoming the nature-culture dichotomy . Franz Steiner, Wiesbaden 2003, pp. 239-256.
  • The connection and interaction of individuals in community life. In: Gerd Jüttemann (ed.): Wilhelm Wundts other legacy. A misunderstanding resolves . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2006.

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