Ernst August Dölle

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Ernst August Dölle (born July 1, 1898 in Gifhorn , † May 8, 1972 in Konstanz ) is said to have been professor of psychology and education at the business school in Konstanz from 1928 to 1968 (such a university, however, is the forerunner of the University of Konstanz , which was founded in 1966 not used).

Dölle became known as a soul researcher, epistemologist and universal scholar through a collection of essays published in 1974 as a commemorative publication . The Festschrift was a contribution to the so-called positivism dispute in the social sciences. It was published by Theo Herrmann , contributions steered a. a. Scientists such as Hans Albert , Mario von Cranach , Thomas Ellwein , Otto Ewert , Klaus Foppa , Carl Friedrich Graumann , Kurt-Hermann Stapf , Werner Tack and Walter Toman contribute.

At the end of 1974, Der Spiegel claimed in a review of the book that Dölle "never lived".

Dölle (allegedly born in 1898) appears on a 2010 photograph of the main building of the Humboldt University in Berlin; in the person register it is listed with the page number of the photo. A conference contribution by Ernesto A. Dölle, published in 2012, assigned him to the University of Santiago, Chile .

It seems very likely that Dölle's existence is a scientific joke . The memory of Dölle continues to be cherished by some academics. a. through citations and eyewitness accounts (some of which claim that Dölle's death is not certain). Since 2009, Dölle has had its own page on the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf website . Even in a standard textbook of differential psychology, which contains a few short biographies of leading minds, a short biography of Dölle appears without any relativizing comment. There are overlaps and differences in content to the Düsseldorf biography; the photo is different. Kurt-Hermann Stapf (University of Tübingen) runs an Ernst-August-Dölle page at the University of Tübingen, according to which there is an Ernst-August-Dölle Society. The University of Ulm put the "Dölle" high-performance computing cluster into operation for numerical simulations in 2018 . At 1.8 teraflops per second, the Dölle cluster would be the fifth fastest supercomputer in the world if no more computers had been built after 2000.


  • Theo Herrmann (Ed.): Dichotomy and duplicity: basic questions of psychological knowledge. Ernst August Dölle in memory . Bern: Huber, 1974, ISBN 978-3456800134
  • M. Rainer Lepsius : dichotomy and duplicity . Review by Theo W. Herrmann (ed.), Dichotomy and duplicity, basic questions of psychological knowledge, Ernst August Dölle on memory, Bern 1974. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, Vol. 6, Issue 2 (1975), pp. 179-183
  • Heinrich Zankl : Great soul researcher: The psychologist Ernst August Dölle , in: Irrwitziges aus der Wissenschaft. From light rabbits to dark pears , Weinheim, Wiley-VCH, 2008, pp. 141–146, ISBN 978-3527321148
  • Günter Ropohl : The science program of Neoparodism . In Ders .: small items. Satires - Limericks - Aphorisms , Münster a. a., LIT Verlag, 2004, pp. 13-30.

Individual evidence

  1. DER SPIEGEL No. 48/1974 of November 15, pp. 162-163: Bart ab
  2. Heinz-Elmar Tenorth (ed.): History of the University of Unter den Linden. Volume 3. Socialist experiment and renewal in democracy - the Humboldt University of Berlin 1945–2010, Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2012, p. 689
  3. Ernesto A. Dölle: Empirical construct validation of mouse mouse silence. In: A. Bröder, E. Erdfelder, BE Hilbig, T. Meiser, RF Pohl & D. Stahlberg (eds.): Abstracts of the 54th conference of experimental psychologists . Pabst, Lengerich 2012, ISBN 978-3-89967-791-1 , p. 160.
  4. ^ Dölle's fictional curriculum vitae with photo, poetry and bibliographical information on a website of the Institute for Experimental Psychology at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf , last accessed on January 29, 2009
  5. Gerhard Stemmler, Dirk Hagemann, Manfred Amelang, Frank Spinath: Differential Psychologie und Personalitysforschung , 8th, revised edition, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2016, p. 592, ISBN 978-3170186408
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