Carl Friedrich Haase

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Carl Friedrich Haase (born February 13, 1788 in Leipzig , † November 10, 1865 in Oberlößnitz ; also Carolus / Karl F. Haase ) was a German doctor ( gynecology and obstetrics ).

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Haase studied at the University of Leipzig , where he received his PhD in 1812. phil. received his doctorate and in 1813 Dr. med. In Leipzig he then ran a practice for obstetrics and childhood diseases until 1828, at the same time he was a private lecturer at the university.

In 1828 he was appointed professor for obstetrics and at the same time was appointed director of the maternity institute with midwifery school at the Surgical Medical Academy in Dresden ; Haase retired in 1845.

Haase's name can be found in the Haase formula he created , which can be used to determine the age of a fetus. In 1846 he treated young Karl May with his eye disease . May's mother had previously attended a midwifery course at his midwifery school from August 1845 to February 1846.

In Oberlößnitz, Haase lived in the Friedland house, which is now a listed building, at Bennostraße 11, and expanded its cultivation area to a 4.5 hectare winery.

Haase formula

According to the Haase formula, the length of the fetus in the first few months is equal to the square of the month's age. From the sixth month, the number of months is multiplied by 5.

Haase formula
month 1 2 3 4th 5 6th 7th 8th 9 10
formula 1 * 1 2 * 2 3 * 3 4 * 4 5 * 5 6 * 5 7 * 5 8 * 5 9 * 5 10 * 5
Length (in cm) 1 4th 9 16 25th 30th 35 40 45 50


  • Dissertatio de morbo coeruleao. Diss., Leipzig 1813.
  • Karl Friedrich Haase, Johann Ludwig Choulant , M. Küstner, Friedrich Ludwig Meissner : Enrichments for obstetrics, for the physiology and pathology of women and children. Leipzig 1821.
  • De pathogenia syphilidis recens natorum. Dresden 1828.
  • De ulcere scrofuloso. Wolf, Munich 1830.


  • Frank Andert: The house of Fuchs and Hase and what Karl May has to do with it. In: Preview & Review . - Radebeuler Monatshefte eV, Radebeul Jan. 2012, pp. 6–8 (Subject: History of the historic building house (villa) Friedland, Bennostraße 11, Radebeul. - Subject also: Prof. Carl Friedrich Haase. - Subject also: Blindness Karl Mays in childhood).

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Individual evidence

  1. A. Bach-Jacobs: Textbook of pregnancy gymnastics and postpartum gymnastics. Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 9783642932601 , p. 26.