Carl Friedrich Ophüls

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Carl Friedrich Ophüls (born December 27, 1895 in Essen , † March 9, 1970 in Langenberg ) was a German diplomat and university professor .


After studying law , he worked in the judicial service from 1918 to 1923 and was then given leave of absence due to his appointment as commissioner of the Foreign Office for the mixed arbitration courts . As such, he was last German secretary at the German - British Mixed Arbitration Court in London from 1925 to 1930 . He then worked again in the judicial service at the Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt am Main from 1931 to 1945 . He was a member of the NSDAP from May 1, 1933 to 1945 under membership number 2399661.

After the end of the Second World War , he initially worked between 1948 and 1949 at the legal office of the administration of the United Economic Area, the so-called Bizone . After the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany, in 1949 he became head of the department for general international law , special international law and legal issues relating to the peace settlement (department IV 4) in the Federal Ministry of Justice and held this office until 1952. In this function he was also a member of the delegation between 1951 and 1952 the conference on the formation of a European army and an expert from the delegation for the replacement of the occupation statute . At the same time he was appointed honorary professor for patent law , international law and Anglo-American law at the University of Frankfurt in 1949 .

In 1952 he joined the diplomatic service , where he was head of the sub-department for international and supranational organization of the Federal Foreign Office . He then succeeded Anton Pfeiffer as Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Belgium between 1955 and 1958 .

After his replacement by Kurt Oppler he last until his transfer to the retirement in 1960 Permanent Representative to the EEC and the Euratom . In this position he was followed by Rolf Otto Lahr as permanent representative at EG .

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Individual evidence

  1. Registration form Ophüls. Retrieved May 18, 2018 .