Carl Genzke

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Johann Carl Ludwig Genzke , also Gentzken (born October 26, 1801 in Plau , † January 26, 1879 in Bützow ) was a German veterinarian, human medicine and parliamentarian.


Carl Genzke was the eldest son of Senator Friedrich Johann Bernhard Genzke. He attended the cathedral school in Güstrow , passed his Abitur at the age of 16 and studied veterinary science at the veterinary school in Berlin . He became a veterinarian in Neustrelitz as a Grand Ducal mecklenburg-Strelitzscher horse doctor and animal healer . He was one of the first to research and publish the use of homeopathy in veterinary medicine . In 1838 he opened a Russian steam bath with the support of Grand Duke Georgin Neustrelitz, Seestrasse 17. The bath was so successful that it enabled him financially to further study human medicine at the universities of Berlin and Leipzig, which he obtained with a doctorate. med. graduated from the University of Rostock on May 8, 1841. After two years of practice as a general practitioner in Parchim , he established his permanent practice in Bützow . In Bützow and Ticino , he made a name for himself with fighting cholera . As a medical practitioner, he remained a defender of homeopathy and wrote numerous articles in specialist journals.


As a politician, Genzke was the founder and chairman of the Reform Association in Bützow in 1848. In 1848 he was elected as a member of the Mecklenburg parliament in the constituency of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 40 (Bützow). As a deputy, he was a member of the Railway Committee and the Priority Committee. During a house search by the Grand Duchy police in 1849, his papers were confiscated.

Silk cultivation

Genzke is the pioneer of silk construction in Mecklenburg , which had already been intensively promoted in Prussia by King Friedrich II 50 years before. In connection with the introduction of silk making, he set up the necessary nurseries for mulberry trees , with which he planted the first plantations. In 1852 Genzke founded the Seidenbauverein Mecklenburg and was editor of the annual reports of this association. In 1861 he became a member of the Deutsche Seiden-Compagnie Berlin. His botanical interests extended beyond silk construction to history and ethnology. He had been a member of the Friends of Natural History Association since 1851.


He had been married since 1828; the couple had eight children, of whom only the son Ludwig Genzke, later a master builder in Parchim , and three daughters survived.


  • Homeopathic medicine for veterinarians. Leipzig: Schumann 1837
Digitalisat , Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Digitized , Hathi Trust
  • De variola vaccina eiusque originibus , Adler, Rostock 1841 (dissertation)


  • Ludwig Genzke: Dr med. Carl Genzke. Obituary. In: Archives of the Association of Friends of Natural History in Mecklenburg 32 (1878), pp. 126-133 ( digitized version )
  • Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 3196 .
  • Kerstin Röhrs: Basics of homeopathic drug pictures in veterinary medicine - historical roots and current application in practice - using the example of Arsenicum album, Atropa belladonna, Lachesis muta, Strychnos nux vomica and Pulsatilla pratensis. Diss. FU Berlin 2010 ( full text )

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