Carl Grossheim

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Carl Großheim (born August 11, 1843 in Schönlanke , † 1917 in army service) was a German medical officer.


Großheim studied at the Medicinisch-Surgical Friedrich Wilhelm Institute from 1862 to 1866 . In 1863 he joined the Pépinière-Corps Franconia. He was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. 1868-1870 he was at the hospital of mercy in Königsberg i. Pr. Commands. He then worked for two years as an assistant doctor, 1st class, at the corps doctor of the XIII. (Royal Württemberg) Army Corps . With him he took part in the Franco-German War . In the medical department of the war ministry he was assistant officer, advisor and department head. As Commissioner and Delegate of the Ministry, he traveled to the world expositions in Philadelphia (1876) and Chicago (1893) and to international congresses. Sometimes he visited hospitals in Budapest, Scandinavia and Italy several times. Most recently he was in Frankfurt am Main corps doctor of the XVIII. Army Corps . As a general physician with the rank of major general, he retired from active service in November 1904. As a general practitioner z. D. and characterized senior general physician lived excellence in Berlin.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 60/24
  2. Dissertation: De globulorum sclopetariorum in ossibus incapsultatione .
  3. ↑ Master list KWA