Carl Gustaf Estonian

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Carl Gustaf Estonian

Carl Gustaf Estlander (born January 31, 1834 in Lappfjärd , Kristinestad , † August 28, 1910 in Helsinki ) was a Finnish art historian, Romanist and Nordicist.


Estonians studied with Fredrik Cygnaeus (1807–1881) in Helsinki. He received his doctorate in 1858 and 1859 with the writings Richard Lejonhjärta [Lionheart] i historien och poesin and Folksångerna om Robin Hood . He stayed on for further studies in Denmark, Germany, Belgium and France and was from 1860 lecturer for aesthetics and modern literature in Helsinki. In 1863 he again traveled to Germany and France (where he was in contact with Paulin Paris ), as well as England, Spain and Italy, did his doctorate once more with Bidrag till den provencaliska litteraturens historia (Helsinki 1868) and in 1868 succeeded Fredrik Cygnaeus on the chair for Aesthetics and Modern Literature at Helsinki University . In 1891 he became a chancellery and in 1898 a state councilor.

Estlander founded newspapers ( Helsingfors Dagblad ) and magazines, gave the impetus for the construction of the Ateneum in Helsinki and stood at the beginning of Finnish art history (including its applied components), but also the academic study of Finnish literature (namely Runeberg ) and the Finnish Romance Studies ( Werner Söderhjelm was his student). He belonged to several academies, including the Kungliga Vetenskaps- och Vitterhetssamhället i Göteborg (since 1878), the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala (since 1890), the Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Academies (since 1904), and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (since 1907). A medal was struck for his 70th birthday.


  • Poema del Cid i svensk öfversättning med kritisk och historisk inledning, Helsinki 1863
  • Pièces inédites du roman de Tristan, précédées de recherches sur son origine et son développement, Helsinki 1866
  • De bildande konsternas historia från slutet av aderetonde arhundradet till våra dagar, Stockholm 1867
  • Johan Ludvig Runebergs estetiska åsierter, Helsinki 1888
  • Hippolyte Flandrin . Hans lefnad och Verk, Helsinki 1890
  • Naturalisms enligt Zola, Helsinki 1891
  • Adolf Iwar Arwidsson som vitter författare, Helsinki 1893
  • Runeberg's skaldskap. Kritiska studier föregångna af redogörelse för normalupplagans editorial including en kronologisk förteckning, Helsinki 1902
  • Scrifter, 3 vols., Helsinki 1914–1925
  • Ungdomsminnen [memories of youth], Helsinki 1918


  • MG Schybergson: Carl Gustaf Estlander. Levnadsteckning , Helsinki 1916
  • Susanna Pettersson: Suomen Taideyhdistyksestä Ateneumiin Fredrik Cygnaeus, Carl Gustaf Estlander ja taidekokoelman roolit , Helsinki 2008

Web links

Commons : Carl Gustaf Estlander  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files