Carl Hermann Gütschow

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Carl Hermann Gütschow (born February 28, 1797 in Lübeck , † September 7, 1850 in Baden-Baden ) was a German lawyer and council secretary of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck .


Carl Hermann Gütschow was the son of the Lübeck merchant and councilor Heinrich Albrecht Gütschow and on his mother's side a grandson of the Lübeck Mayor Hermann Diedrich Krohn . He attended the Katharineum in Lübeck until Easter 1816. After studying law at the Universities of Göttingen (1816) and Jena (1818), which he completed with a doctorate in both rights in Göttingen in 1819, he became a lawyer and procurator in 1820 at the Higher Appeal Court of the four Free Cities in Lübeck. In 1821 he was elected third council secretary (registrar) of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck; the position had become vacant through the election of the secretary Bernhard Heinrich Frister as councilor. In 1825 he was promoted to second secretary of the council and in 1843 became protonotary of the city.

The Lübeck Syndicus Anton Diedrich Gütschow , who was active around the same time, was his uncle.


Gütschow's record book has been preserved from his student days with a term from 1816 to 1819 and 79 entries. It was part of the collection of the student historian Georg Schmidgall , is now owned by the City of Würzburg and is located in the Institute for University Studies . It shows Carl Hermann Gütschow as a member of the original fraternity in Jena and proves his fraternity friendship through the members of the community .


  • Friedrich Bruns : The Lübeck syndicists and council secretaries until the constitutional amendment of 1851. in: ZVLGA Volume 29 (1938), p. 166/167
  • Peter Kaupp (edit.): Stamm-Buch of the Jenaische Burschenschaft. The members of the original fraternity 1815-1819 (= treatises on student and higher education. Vol. 14). SH-Verlag, Cologne 2005, p. 144 No. 719 ISBN 3-89498-156-3 .
  • Michaela Neubert , Hans Peter Hümmer : The student records with entries from Jena in the Institute for Higher Education at the University of Würzburg. An inventory catalog . Einst und Jetzt , Vol. 53 (2008), pp. 271–297 (pp. 279 ff.) GoogleBooks

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Genzken: The Abitur graduates of the Katharineum zu Lübeck (grammar school and secondary school) from Easter 1807 to 1907. Borchers, Lübeck 1907. (Supplement to the school program 1907) Digitized version , no. 71