Carl Lueder (Consul)

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Carl Lueder (born October 10, 1840 at Gut Redewisch, Boltenhagen , Mecklenburg, † December 25, 1892 in Bogotá ) was a German consular officer.


Lueder's parents were the landowner Carl Lueder and his wife Adelheid geb. Langenbeck. He had private lessons and attended the Domgymnasium Verden . After graduating from high school, he studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg in the summer semester of 1859 . He was active in the Mecklenburg State Corps Vandalia Heidelberg . The reception was in 1860. As an inactive person he switched to the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin and the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen . At the end of his studies he went to the local University of Rostock . On October 24, 1864, he passed the first law exam. Until January 21, 1868 he was in the judicial service of Mecklenburg-Schwerin . Then he worked for eleven months in trading houses in Bremen. On December 26, 1868 , he was drafted into the consular service of the North German Confederation and was sent to the Consulate General in Alexandria . From January 30, 1872 to January 3, 1876 he was consul in Canton . In 1873/74 he was also entrusted with the provisional management of the consulate in Shanghai . From January 10, 1876 to January 28, 1880 he was consul in Shanghai. In the summer of 1877 temporarily employed in the Foreign Office , he returned to China on November 12, 1877 as Consul General . On May 2, 1880, he took over the business as Prime Minister and Consul General in Bogotá. He was on vacation from April 18 to the end of 1882 and from March 18 to November 24, 1883. He was 52 years old.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Foreign Office, Political Archive
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 73/304
  3. No entry in the Rostock matriculation portal