Carl Tesdorpf

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Former building of the wine shop
Portal to Mengstrasse

The Carl Tesdorpf company in Lübeck is one of Germany's oldest wine shops .

Wine shop

The Tesdorpf wine shop was founded in Lübeck in 1678 by the later mayor of Lübeck, Peter Hinrich Tesdorpf , and has since been known for importing high-quality wines from the Bordelais and Burgundy. In addition, French red wines have long been blended into Lübeck Rotspon . Until 2019, the company had a shop in Lübeck's old town next to the historic company headquarters in Lübeck's Mengstraße not far from Schabbelhaus and Buddenbrookhaus . Today the company belongs to the listed Hawesko group of companies , but is still managed by a descendant of the founder. It generated sales of 10 million euros in the 2015 financial year. After 341 years, the Tesdorpf wine shop was closed on May 18, 2019 on Mengstraße in Lübeck.


The Tesdorpf family has belonged to the Lübeck patriciate since the 17th century and provided councilors and important mayors such as the mayor and mayor Johann Matthaeus Tesdorpf to the merchant republic .

In the Buddenbrooks the Rotspon and the Tesdorpfs are immortalized as Kistenmaker wine merchants . Krafft Tesdorpf , together with consul Hermann Wilhelm Fehling , was appointed guardian of Thomas Mann and his four siblings after Mann's father died on October 13, 1891.

Web links

Commons : Carl Tesdorpf  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Weinhandlung Tesdorpf has closed Lübeck Places. Retrieved May 29, 2019.