Johann Matthaeus Tesdorpf

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Johann Matthaeus Tesdorpf
Marble bust in the burial chapel

Johann Matthaeus Tesdorpf (born November 30, 1749 in Lübeck , † January 25, 1824 in Lübeck) came from the large Lübeck wine merchant family around the Carl Tesdorpf company and was mayor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Tesdorpf studied law at the University of Göttingen , where he made friends with Gottfried August Bürger . At the beginning of February 1774, while passing through in Frankfurt am Main, he met Goethe , of the same age , who was skating with him; In a letter to Bürger dated February 12, Goethe enthused that his heart had "opened up on the lovely soul".

After his doctorate in both rights , supervised by Georg Ludwig Böhmer in Göttingen , Tesdorpf first became council secretary in his home town. He became a councilor in 1794 and one of the mayors in 1806 . In the course of the occupation by Napoleon I , Tesdorpf was provisionally appointed mayor on February 11, 1811 during the Lübeck French period . On May 13, he became a real mayor by imperial appointment, but left office on July 17 at his own request. Under his leadership, the revision of the state constitution began in 1814.

In the tomb chapel of the Tesdorpf family in Lübeck's Marienkirche there is a bust of Tesdorpf by Gottfried Schadow . It was presented to him by the city council on October 2, 1823 on the occasion of his 50th anniversary in service and was placed in the chapel in 1835. Also on the 50th anniversary of the service, the Berlin medalist Gottfried Bernhard Loos minted a commemorative medal for the mayor of Lübeck Johann Matthaeus Tesdorpf in " official costume " with the otherwise unusual allong wig after a cut by Carl Friedrich Voigt in 1823 on behalf of Lübeck citizens . The rector of the Katharineum in Lübeck Friedrich August Göring honored him with news about the establishment and first establishment of the St. Katharinenschule in Lübeck and the speech by the Senate was made by Sr. Magnificenz Mr. Mayor JM Tesdorpf at the occasion of the celebration of his 50 years in office by Syndicus Anton Diedrich Gütschow held.


  • Dissertatio Inavgvralis De Eo Qvod Ivstvm Est Circa Incertitvdinem Pretii In Emtione Venditione , Goettingae, Dieterich, 1773


Web links

Commons : Johann Matthaeus Tesdorpf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Goethe's life from day to day, ed. v. Robert Steiger, Vol. 1 (1749–1775), Zurich and Munich: Artemis 1982, p. 639.
  2. Gottfried Bernhard Loos: List of all thinking and occasional coins that have emerged from the Berlin medal coin of G. Loos since the establishment of this institution by the court medalist Daniel Friedrich Loos ... , Mittler, 1842, p. 53 No. 90. (digitized version)