Carlos Ibáñez de Ibero

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General Carlos Ibáñez e Ibáñez de Ibero 1881

Carlos Ibáñez de Ibero , Marqués de Mulhacén , (born April 14, 1825 in Barcelona , † January 29, 1891 in Nice ) was a Spanish division general and geodesist.

Military career

Carlos Ibáñez entered the genius academy in Guadalajara early on and then the engineering corps of the Spanish army and began an officer career that raised him to the rank of general.

Activity in surveying

When the Spanish government decided to produce a large topographical map of Spain, captains Ibañez and Saavedra were entrusted with the preparatory work in 1852. Using a rule (line measure) made according to their specifications by Brunner in Paris, they determined the length of a baseline of 15 km in the Mancha with an accuracy not previously achieved . Later (1865–1868), three baselines were also measured on the Balearic Islands using an iron Brunners scale . After Saavedra's entry into the ministry as director of public works, Ibañez was the sole head of geodetic work in Spain and in this position, as director, organized the geodetic and statistical institute of the kingdom, and thus the entire national survey . The geodetic work in Spain closely followed the European degree measurement initiated by Johann Jacob Baeyer in 1861 , which was very soon expanded to include international earth measurements. In connection with this, Ibañez and François Perrier extended the great French meridian measurement to Algiers in 1879 . After Baeyer's death, Ibañez was elected President of the Permanent Committee for Earth Measurement, from 1870 he was also a member and from 1872 President of the International Meter Commission, which became the International Committee for Weights and Measures when the Meter Convention came into force in 1876 . In 1885 he was accepted as a corresponding member of the Académie des sciences . On January 20, 1887, Ibañez was made an honorary member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences , in 1889 elected to the National Academy of Sciences .


In addition to numerous reports in the publications of the Spanish land survey (7 volumes) and the international geometric survey, Ibañez published a »Tableau géographique et statistique de l'Espagne« in 1888 (with a map at a scale of 1: 500,000)


  • Werner Hartkopf, Gert Wangermann: Documents on the history of the Berlin Academy of Sciences from 1700 to 1990 (= Berlin studies on the history of science. 1). Spectrum - Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg et al. 1991, ISBN 3-86025-008-6 .
  • Ibanez, Don Carlos, Marquez de Mulhacén . In: Werner Hartkopf:The Berlin Academy of Sciences. Its members and award winners 1700–1990. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1992,ISBN 3-05-002153-5, p. 163.

Web links

Commons : Carlos Ibáñez e Ibáñez de Ibero  - Collection of images, videos and audio files