Carola Bläss

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Carola Bläss (born December 19, 1959 in Leipzig ) is a German actress and cabaret artist .


Carola Bläss was born in 1959 in Leipzig as the daughter of a singer and a senior director and later artistic director. She received her training as an actress from September 1980 to August 1985 at the Elbe-Elster-Theater in Lutherstadt Wittenberg , the theater where her father Helmut Bläss was director. Here she made her first stage appearances and was offered several roles in DEFA and television films during her training. The Wittenberg Theater she remained until its closure and in 2002 for the first time at the "Kibitzsteinern" in Halle (Saale) , a pure cabaret stage involved .

Carola Bläss has been working as a freelancer since 2006 and directs the “Brett'l-Keller” cabaret, which formerly belonged to the Wittenberg Elbe-Elster-Theater. With the programs developed there, she tours successfully through the Federal Republic of Germany. Her actor colleague Kersten Liebold is a frequent companion at her performances , but a program together with the singer Regina Thoss is also on offer.



Own cabaret programs

  • No curse zone!
  • Women are the better men
  • Men women
  • We are one people!
  • Wipe it away - a toilet woman chatting
  • Garden party - a war of the dwarves
  • Christmas is always so sudden
  • New year's reception at Madame Schau-Schau
  • The most pious ...
  • Chatting from the sink - news from Klofrau Klothilde
  • Men and women don't go together
  • Can blasphemy be a sin?
  • Everything used to be better: more tinsel, more snow

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Carola Bläss at Dos Santos Entertainment