Casearia praecox

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Casearia praecox
Eurosiden I
Order : Malpighiales (Malpighiales)
Family : Willow family (Salicaceae)
Genre : Casearia
Type : Casearia praecox
Scientific name
Casearia praecox

Casearia praecox is a species of plant in the willow family from Venezuela , Colombia to Central America , Mexico and the Caribbean , Cuba .


Casearia praecox usually grows as a tree to about 20 meters high, less often as a shrub. The trunk diameter reaches about 40-45 centimeters. The smooth bark is gray-mottled to brownish.

The simple, short-stalked and almost bare leaves are alternate. The short petiole is up to 6 millimeters long. The papery, thin leaves are egg-shaped to elliptical, lanceolate or obovate and finely sawn and notched on the edge, at the tip they are pointed to pointed, sometimes tailed. They are 4–7 inches long and 2–3 inches wide. The small stipules are sloping.

The flowers appear tufted, umbellate up to 25 on axillary, short-stalked or sessile inflorescences, which appear on cup-shaped, grouped, small bracts . The up to 8 millimeters long and slender stalked, green-yellowish, very small and hermaphrodite flowers are with a simple flower envelope , the petals are missing. They have 5 about 2 millimeters long, almost free sepals and 8-10 alternately unequal stamens and a bald, Upper permanent, single-chamber ovary with short, short dreiästigem pen . There is a short-lobed disc .

Small, 5 millimeters large, roughly rounded and three-lobed, leathery capsule fruits are formed. They contain 2-3 hairy seeds about 1.5 millimeters long.


The first description was in 1866 by August Grisebach in Cat. Pl. Cub .: 10. Synonyms are Casearia eriophora C. Wright ex Griseb. , Gossypiospermum eriophorum ( C. Wright ex Griseb.) Urb. , Gossypiospermum praecox (Griseb.) P.Wilson and Ampelocera crenulata Urb.


The rather heavy, not particularly resistant, yellowish wood is known as Zapatero , Agracejo , Maracaibo , West Indian or Venezuelan boxwood .


  • Nelson Zamora Villalobos, Luis J. Poveda-Álvarez, Quirico Jiménez Madrigal: Árboles de Costa Rica. Volume IV, Editoral Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017, ISBN 978-9977-66-371-5 , p. 80 f., Limited preview in the Google book search.
  • Martin Chudnoff: Tropical Timbers of the World. Agriculture Handbook 607, USDA Forest Service, 1984, p. 83, limited preview in Google Book Search.

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