Castelfidardo medal

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Pro Petri Sede
Castelfidardo medal
Medal Pro Petri Sede
Awarded by the Holy See
Art Military Merit Medal
requirement Armed Forces of the Papal States
Awarded for Participation in the Second Italian War of Independence
status is no longer awarded
Foundation year 1860
Benefactor Pius IX
Next higher award Benemerenti (Pontifical Merit Medal)
Ribbon buckle of the Pro Petri Sede medal

The Pro Petri Sede medal is also known as the Castelfidardo Medal . It is a papal medal of honor for military merit from the Risorgimento period .


With the Breve Arbiter ac moderator , Pope Pius IX. the medal on November 12, 1860 after the defeat of the papal troops at the Battle of Castelfidardo . The award of the award was not tied to participation in the battle, but could be awarded to all participants in the fighting of the Second Italian War of Independence on the papal side.


The medal consists of a Petrus Cross - an upside down Latin cross - with a surrounding ring. The motto on the obverse is VICTORIA, QUAE VINCIT MUNDUM, FIDES NOSTRA (“The victory that conquers the world is our faith”, 1 Jn 5,4  EU ). On the reverse there is the inscription PRO PETRI SEDE, PIO IX PMA XV (“For the chair of Petri , Pius IX, Pontifex Maximus , in the 15th year”).

Four different levels were awarded:

The medal hangs on a red ribbon , which is broken in two places by white stripes with yellow edges. Clasps with the name of the battles in which the holder of the medal had participated were attached to the ribbon .

See also


  1. a b c d e f g Medal "" Pro Petri Sede "" [Numisma "" Pro Petri Sede "" (so-called "" Castelfidardo Medal "")] ( DE ) In: . Retrieved July 8, 2019.
  2. Friedrich Marquis Guigue de Champvans de Farémont: History and legislation of the orders of knights, decorations and medals of the Holy See according to official sources. Edited by the Institut Historique et Hèraldique de France, Paris 1932, p. 25.
  3. ^ Georg E. Stuart: A Castelfidardo Medal with a Ribbon from the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice ( EN ). Accessed July 8, 2019.