Catherine Day

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Catherine Day

Catherine Day (born June 16, 1954 in Dublin , Ireland ) was Secretary General of the European Commission . She was the highest official in the former "Barroso" commission .


Day studied economics and political science at University College Dublin and graduated with a Master of Arts in International Trade and Economic Integration . Before embarking on a career with the European Commission, she worked as a loan officer with the Investment Bank of Ireland (1974–1975) and as an EC information officer for the Confederation of Irish Industry (1975–1979). From 1979 to 1984 she worked as a clerk at the then General Directorate III (Internal Market and Industry).

She then worked in the cabinets of Richard Burke , Peter Sutherland and Leon Brittan . In 1996 she was appointed Director of the Directorate-General for External Relations, but a year later she moved to the head of DG Enlargement , where she was responsible for relations with the then accession countries in Central and Eastern Europe . After further positions in the Directorate-General for External Relations (2000–2002) and Environment (2002–2005), she was appointed head of the General Secretariat of the European Commission in November 2005 . This made her - along with the members of his cabinet - one of José Manuel Barroso's closest collaborators . She held this office until 2015, her successor as General Secretary is Alexander Italianer .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Curriculum Vitae of Catherine Day . OECD website , accessed February 3, 2012
  2. a b Catherine Day (PDF; 18 kB). European Commission website, accessed February 3, 2012
  3. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB)
  4. ^ Members: Catherine Day. Royal Irish Academy, accessed May 5, 2019 .