Cavad Abdinov

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Cavad Abdinov

Cavad Şahvələd oğlu Abdinov ( Russian Джавад Шахвалед оглы Абдинов Dschabad chess Waled ogly Abdinow ; English transcription Javad oglu Shahvaled Abdinov ; * 5. January 1940 in Behrud , Rayon Ordubad , Nakhchivan , AsSSR , USSR ) is a Azerbaijani physicist .

Life and accomplishments

Cavad Abdinov graduated from the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University in 1961 with a degree in physics and then worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the AsSSR . In 1973 he was appointed Laboratory Director of the Photoelectronics Research Institute, founded the year before on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, and in 1993 he was appointed Deputy Director of Scientific Affairs of the Institute; between 1998 and 2002 he was director of the institute. Since 2002 he has worked as the head of the laboratory for solid-state electronics at the Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and has been the deputy director for scientific affairs since 2009. Between 1995 and 2010, he was also the head of the Physics Institute of the Azerbaijan State Economic University .

Abdinov defended his dissertation in 1966 on the effect of oxygen on some physical properties of solid and liquid selenium of high purity, and in 1976 obtained his doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences on the structure and physical properties of selenium in various modifications. His research focus is the physics of semiconductors and dielectrics. He specifically investigates the mechanisms of electrical, optical and physical-chemical phenomena in selenium, bismuth telluride , lead and mercury chalcogenide and some rare earths for the construction of electronic components for the mass production of various semiconductor materials and thermal photovoltaic cells .

He is the holder of the Order of Honor , the Medal “Veteran of Labor” and the Order of Şöhrət . On April 26, 2007, he was elected a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, and on June 30, 2014, he was appointed a full member of the Academy.

His brother is the physicist Əhməd Şahvələd oğlu Abdinov .

Works (selection)

  • GB Abdullaev, SI Mekhtieva, D. Sh. Abdinov, GM Aliev: Effect of Oxygen on Some Electrical Properties of Selenium . In: Physica status solidi . tape 11 , no. 2 , 1965, p. 891-898 , doi : 10.1002 / pssb.19650110239 (English).
  • GB Abdullaev, SI Mekhtieva, D. Sh. Abdinov, GM Aliev, SG Alieva: Thermal Conductivity of Selenium . In: Physica status solidi . tape 13 , no. 2 , 1966, p. 315–323 , doi : 10.1002 / pssb.19660130203 (English).
  • Г. Б. Абдуллаев , Дж. Ш. Абдинов: Физика селена . Элм, Баку 1975 (Azerbaijani).
  • С. И. Міехтиева , Дж. Ш. Абдинов: Развитие физики селена . Элм, Баку 2000 (Azerbaijani).
  • GA Akhmedova, D. Sh. Abdinov: Effect of thallium doping on the thermal conductivity of PbTe single crystals . In: Inorganic Materials . tape 45 , no. 8 , 2009, p. 854-858 , doi : 10.1134 / S0020168509080056 (English).


  • Abdinov, Cavad Şahvələd oğlu . In: Naxçıvan Ensiklopediyası . Cild 1. Naxçıvan 2005, ISBN 5-8066-1468-9 , p. 11 (Azerbaijani, [PDF; 25.7 MB ; accessed on May 21, 2018]).
  • Azərbaycan MEA müxbir üzvü Cavad Şahvələd oğlu Abdinov - 70 . In: Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının Xəbərləri . Fizika-texnika və riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası, fizika və astronomiya. tape XXX , no. 2 , 2010, p. 3–4 (Azerbaijani, [PDF; 143 kB ; accessed on May 21, 2018]).
  • 30 iyun 2014-cü ildə Azarbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının həqiqi və müxbir üzvlüyünə seçkilər keçirilmişdir . In: Elmi ‐ kütləvi jurnal . No. 03 (07) , 2014, p. 8–9 (Azerbaijani, [PDF; 23.9 MB ; accessed on May 21, 2018]).
  • Akademik Cavad Şahvələd oğlu Abdinov - 75 . In: Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının Xəbərləri . Fizika-texnika və riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası, fizika və astronomiya. tape XXXV , no. 2 , 2015, p. 3 (Azerbaijani, [PDF; 13.7 MB ; accessed on May 21, 2018]).

Web links