Ordubad (Rayon)

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Location of Ordubad Rayon in Azerbaijan

Ordubad is a rayon (district) in the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan in Azerbaijan . The capital of the district is the city of Ordubad .


The district has an area of ​​972 km² and borders on Armenia to the north and east , the river Aras forms the natural southern border with Iran . The region lies on the slopes of the Lesser Caucasus , there are deposits of non-ferrous metals, especially copper, and molybdenum.

The Ordubad National Park covers 12 km² and is home to the Caucasian mouflon , leopards and brown bears .


The rayon had 45,000 inhabitants in 2009, these are spread over 43 villages and three larger settlements.


In the region mainly tropical fruits, wine, nuts and potatoes are grown and cattle are raised. There are also several processing and research companies in the district.


There are a large number of architectural monuments in the district, including the ancient city of Kharaba-Gilan.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Azerbaijan on the Azerbaijani districts
  2. a b c Azerbaijan Development Gateway ( Memento of November 14, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) about the rayon
  3. azerb.com about the district
  4. Azerbaijani Statistical Authority ( Memento of November 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive )

Coordinates: 39 ° 0 '  N , 46 ° 0'  E