Qəbələ (Rayon)

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Location of Qəbələ Rayon in Azerbaijan

Qəbələ is a rayon in Azerbaijan . The capital of the district is the city of Qəbələ .


Waterfall in Qəbələ district

The district has an area of ​​1548 km². The landscape belongs to the Greater Caucasus and borders the Russian Federation in the north . Much of the district is forested. The Garachay and Gochalanchay rivers flow through the rayon.


Over 93,800 people live in the rayon. These are distributed over 62 settlements.


The district is dominated by agriculture. Above all, sheep and silkworms are bred and grain, tobacco, wine, nuts and apples are grown. There is also a food processing industry, such as wine presses and tobacco processing companies.

Archaeological sites

Ruins of the city of Chukur Gabala

There are a number of tombs, mausoleums and old cemeteries in the district. In addition, the ruins of the city of Chukur Gabala from the 4th century BC are located in the rayon. The city was discovered in 1959 and was probably a capital of the state of Albania . Nearby, at Boyuk Amili, are the remains of an Albanian church.

Web links

Commons : Qabala  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Azerbaijan Developement Gateway ( Memento of November 14, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) about the rayon and the city
  2. a b azerb.com about rayon and city
  3. Azerbaijani Statistical Authority ( Memento of November 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive )

Coordinates: 41 ° 0 '  N , 47 ° 48'  E