Cecil Bødker

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Cecil Bødker (born March 27, 1927 in Fredericia ; † April 19, 2020 ) was a Danish writer .

She first did an apprenticeship as a silversmith, then she turned to writing.

In 1955 she published her first collection of poems for adults. In 1967 she published her first book for young people, "Silas and the Black Stute" (original title: Silas og den sorte hoppe). In 1970 the book was published in German translation in 1981 it was used as Christmas series for six episodes ZDF filmed .

Based on Cecil Bødker's book “Hungerbarnet”, Morten Køhlert made the film “Ulvepigen Tinke” (Eng. Tinke - Little strong girl , 2002). At the LUCAS International Children's Film Festival in 2002, this film received the Children's Jury Prize and the CIFEJ Prize.

Bødker has received several major literary prizes. She died in April 2020 at the age of 93.


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Individual evidence

  1. Death report , accessed on April 20, 2020 (Danish)