Cecil Price-Jones

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Cecil Price-Jones (* 1863 ; † August 27, 1943 in Radlett ) was a British hematologist and pathologist . He became known for his work on the size of red blood cells (erythrocytes).


Cecil Price-Jones completed his medical training at University College and Guy's Hospital in London . He then worked in his father's practice in Surbiton . After the death of his father, he gave up working as a general practitioner and turned to pathology . In this discipline he first worked at Guy's Hospital and after the First World War at University College Hospital.

His research focus was the size of the red blood cells (erythrocytes), the individual characteristics of their size distribution and the corresponding changes in various diseases. He developed various methods for counting erythrocytes and determining their size and hemoglobin content . The Price-Jones curve , which describes the size distribution of erythrocytes based on their diameter, is named after him . His other research activities included bacteriological studies in cancer as well as studies on experimental physiology .

Besides medicine, his interests included molluscs . He was a member of the Malacological Society of London and published in the Proceedings of the society, among other things, a work on the shells of cepaqueal snails . In addition, he played the cello and was active in the field of painting.

Works (selection)

  • C. Price-Jones: The diurnal variation in the sizes of red blood cells. In: The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. 23 (4) / 1920. The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 371-383
  • C. Price-Jones: The sizes of red blood cells in emphysema. In: The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. 24 (3 )/1921. The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 325-332
  • C. Price-Jones: The diameters of red cells in pernicious anæmia and in anæmia following haemorrhage. 25 (4) / 1922. The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 487-504
  • C. Price-Jones: Individuality in the size of red cells. 33 (4 )/1930. The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 1173-1174
  • C. Price-Jones: The red cells in microcytic anámia (Witts). 35 (4 )/1932. The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 759-767


  • GW Goodhart: Cecil Price-Jones. 1863-1943. In: The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. 58 (2) / 1946. The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 301-309