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Chakaure-seneb (from Bubastis) was an ancient Egyptian official of the 19th century BC. BC ( 12th dynasty , time of Sesostris III - Amenemhets III. / Middle Kingdom ). He was the son of a lady named Mut and the mayor and priest of the goddess Bastet of Bubastis in the eastern Nile Delta . Other members of his family are so far unknown.

Chakaure-seneb is known as the owner of a well-preserved high-quality squat figure made of quartzite , which was found in 1961 by Shafik Farid in the palace of the Middle Kingdom of Bubastis, together with two private limestone statues, a cube-like statue ( cube stool ) and a seated figure, each without an inscription has been. It is possible that all three statues served the cult of the dead of the mayors of Bubastis, as the sacrificial tablets found by Ahmed el-Sawi in the palace and the nearby necropolis of the mayors seem to indicate. The statue of Chakaure-seneb was exhibited in the Sharqeya National Museum until 2006 and is currently in the museum magazine.


  • Shafik Farid: Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Antiquities Department at Tell Basta (Season 1961). In: Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte. No. 58, 1966, ZDB -ID 1254744-x , pp. 85-98.
  • Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Bakr , Helmut Brandl: Egyptian Sculpture of the Middle Kingdom from the Palace at Bubastis. In: MI Bakr, H. Brandl, Faye Kalloniatis (eds.): Egyptian Antiquities from the Eastern Nile Delta (= Museums in the Nile Delta. Vol. 2). Opaion / Project Museums in the Nile Delta, Cairo / Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-00-045318-2 , pp. 6–25 and 108–111 → Catalog 10.

Individual evidence

  1. Regine Schulz : The development and meaning of the cuboid statue type. A study of the so-called "cube stools" (= Hildesheim Egyptological contributions. Vol. 33/3). Hildesheim 1992, p. 537 (No. 332), plate 139.
  2. ^ H. Brandl: Block statue. In: MI Bakr, H. Brandl, F. Kalloniatis (eds.): Egyptian Antiquities from the Eastern Nile Delta. Cairo / Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-00-045318-2 , pp. 116–119 → Catalog 12.
  3. ^ H. Brandl: Seated Statue of an Official. In: MI Bakr, H. Brandl, F. Kalloniatis (eds.): Egyptian Antiquities from the Eastern Nile Delta. Cairo / Berlin 2014, pp. 112–113 → Catalog 11.
  4. The Sharkeya National Museum in Herriat Raznah . On: ; accessed on February 24, 2014.
  5. ^ H. Brandl: Statue of the Mayor Khakaure-seneb. In: MI Bakr, H. Brandl, F. Kalloniatis (eds.): Egyptian Antiquities from the Eastern Nile Delta. Cairo / Berlin 2014, pp. 108–111 → Catalog 10.