Chalifa ibn Harub ibn Thuwaini

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Sultan Khalifa ibn Harub

Sayyid Chalifa ibn Harub ibn Thuwaini al-Busaid (born August 26, 1879 in Muscat , † October 9, 1960 in Stone Town ) ( Arabic خليفة بن حارب البوسعيد, DMG Ḫalīfa b. Ḥārub al-Būsaʿīd ; also Chalifa ) was Sultan of the British Protectorate of Zanzibar from 1911 to 1960. To distinguish it from his great-uncle Chalifa ibn Said , Chalifa ibn Harub was occasionally referred to as Chalifa II .

Chalifa was the grandson of the Sultan Thuwaini ibn Said of Oman , nephew of the Sultan Hamid ibn Thuwaini of Zanzibar and the son-in-law of the Sultan Hammud ibn Muhammad ibn Said . Khalifa was the cousin, brother-in-law and successor of Sultan Ali ibn Hammud and ruled Zanzibar from December 9, 1911 until his death.

Ali, ailing and little interested in Zanzibar, left Khalifa to rule in 1911, but retained the sultan's title and retired to France, where he died in 1918. Chalifa prevailed against two aspirants to the throne - against Ali's son Sayyid Saud ibn Ali, born in 1907, and against Sultan Chalid ibn Barghasch, who was overthrown in 1896 but still supported by the German Empire .

At the side of the colonial power Great Britain, Chalifa led the Sultanate of Zanzibar in the First World War against the German Empire on August 5, 1914 and against Austria-Hungary on August 20, whereupon the German cruiser "Königsberg" entered the port of September 20, 1914 Zanzibar attacked and sunk British cruiser lying down. Also in the Second World War Chalifa led the Sultanate on the British side against Germany. In both world wars, Germany had made claims on Zanzibar.

Although Chalifa had replaced the consultative assembly with a parliament in 1927, it did not change much about the omnipotence of the British representative in the country. In the course of his long reign he received numerous awards from the British colonial power. B. 1935 Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire , 1936 of the Order of St. Michael and St. George and 1956 of the Order of the Bath .

He was succeeded as Sultan in 1960 in the " African Year " by his son Abdullah ibn Chalifa .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Zanzibar, [1]

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