Charles-Eugène Guye

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Charles-Eugène Guye 1927

Charles-Eugène Guye (born October 15, 1866 on the court of Saint-Christophe, municipality of Champvent in the canton of Vaud , † July 15, 1942 in Geneva ) was a Swiss physicist.

Guye studied physics at the University of Geneva , where he received his doctorate in 1889. From 1890 to 1892 he worked as a private lecturer in Geneva and from 1893 to 1900 he was a private lecturer at the Polytechnic Zurich (today ETH Zurich ). From 1900 to 1930 he was a full professor and director of the Physics Institute at the University of Geneva. In 1927 it was accepted as a corresponding member of the Académie des sciences in Paris.

His main research interests were in the field of electrical currents , magnetism , gas discharges and the like. a. m. He succeeded in experimentally proving the dependence of the electron mass on the velocity predicted by the special theory of relativity ( Lorentz-Einstein prediction ).

He was the author of numerous (also popular science) works and received numerous honors.

Web links

Commons : Charles Eugène Guye  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. List of members since 1666: Letter G. Académie des sciences, accessed on November 21, 2019 (French).