Charles Blé Goudé

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Charles Blé Goudé (alias: Général; Génie de kpo; Gbapé Zadi;) (born January 1, 1972 in Niagbrahio , Ivory Coast) is an Ivorian politician. He founded Junge Patrioten " in 2001. During the government crisis of 2010/2011 , he was youth minister in the internationally unrecognized government set up by President Laurent Gbagbo . The International Criminal Court (ICC) charged him with suspected crimes against humanity and was therefore in Den Haag in custody since March 2014.

Life and political career

Goudé studied English at the Université de Cocody in Abidjan , where he became leader of the youth organization Fédération estudiantine et scolaire de Côte d'Ivoire (FESCI), which is linked to the Front Populaire Ivoire party founded by Laurent Gbagbo . Under his leadership, the intellectuals' association turned into a group of thugs, which their opponents insulted as "fescists" in the style of the fascists . He broke off further studies at the University of Manchester on conflict resolution strategies when a coup attempt was made against then President Gbagbo in his home country.

He returned to Ivory Coast and in June 2001 founded a youth organization to support Gbagbo called Alliance des jeunes patriotes pour le sursaut national , or the "Young Patriots" for short. He developed his organization into an armed militia , which became notorious for violence and looting. In 2004, Goudé expressed sympathy for Hitler and Mussolini in an interview . During the civil war in Ivory Coast from 2002 to 2006, he organized actions for the withdrawal of French troops from the country and the fight against the rebels in northern Ivory Coast.

During the government crisis in Ivory Coast in 2010/2011, he was Minister for Youth, Vocational Training and Employment in the Aké N'Gbo government . As the leader of the Jeunes Patriotes, he was hit by international sanctions on October 29th. He was not allowed to enter the EU and his funds were frozen. The allegations were:

  • repeated public calls for violence against United Nations facilities and personnel and against foreigners
  • Leading and carrying out acts of violence by street militias, including beatings, rape and extrajudicial executions
  • Attempt to intimidate the United Nations, the International Working Group, the political opposition and the independent press
  • Sabotage of international radio stations
  • Obstruction of the work of the International Working Group, the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), the French Armed Forces and the peace process under resolution 1643 .

After the fall of Laurent Gbagbo in April 2011, he fled to Ghana and hid there. On January 17, 2013, he was arrested in Tema , Ghana, and transferred to Ivory Coast.

Trial before the International Criminal Court

On December 21, 2011, the ICC issued an unpublished arrest warrant against him. He was charged with crimes against humanity within the meaning of the Rome Statute. He was charged with murder, rape, targeted persecution and other inhumane acts as an indirect perpetrator, which took place between December 16, 2010 and April 21, 2011 in the Ivory Coast.

On March 23, 2014, the Ivory Coast extradited him to the International Criminal Court . His trial began on January 28, 2016. On January 15, 2019, Gbagbo and Goudé were acquitted of all charges for lack of evidence.

Web links


  1. a b Council Decision 2011/18 / CFSP. (PDF; 818 kB) In: Official Journal of the European Union. January 15, 2011, accessed November 24, 2014 .
  2. Dominic Johnson: Gbagbo's agitator., December 20, 2010, accessed on March 28, 2014 .
  3. a b Dominic Johnson: Former militia chief behind bars., March 25, 2014, accessed on March 28, 2014 .
  4. The President who refused to resign
  5. World Criminal Court acquits the former president of Ivory Coast