Charles Beulé

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Grave in the Pere Lachaise cemetery

Charles Ernest Beulé (born June 29, 1826 in Saumur , Maine-et-Loire department , † April 4, 1874 in Paris ) was a French politician, archaeologist and numismatist .


Beulé attended the École normal supérieure , was appointed teacher at the Lycée von Moulins in 1848 and was sent a year later to the École française d'Athènes , where he made important discoveries at the Acropolis that made him known in the professional world. Returned to France, Desiré-Raoul Rochette took over the chair of archeology , undertook excavations in Carthage and was admitted to the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in 1860 and was made Secrétaire perpétuel of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1862 .

At the end of the Franco-Prussian War , Beulé was elected to the National Assembly for the Maine-et-Loire department in February 1871 and took his place among the Orléanists . After Adolphe Thiers had to resign in May 1873, Beulé was accepted into the government under Patrice de Mac-Mahon and appointed Minister of the Interior. However, due to a number of political errors, he had to resign in November 1873.

On April 4, 1874, Beulé was found dead in his bed, having inflicted two stitches with a stiletto .


  • Les Arts et la poésie à Sparte, sous la législation de Lycurgue (1853)
  • L'Acropole d'Athènes (2 volumes, Paris 1853–1854) Digitized at the University of Heidelberg
  • Études sur le Péloponèse (1855)
  • Les Monnaies d'Athènes (1858)
  • L'Architecture au siècle de Pisistrate (1860), digitized on Gallica , (as a series of articles 1857–1858 in the magazine Revue générale de l'architecture et des travaux publics: journal des architectes, des ingénieurs, des archéologues, des entrepreneurs, des industriels du bâtiment, etc .; histoire, théorie, pratique, mélanges , year 15 and 16 published).
  • Fouilles à Carthage (1861)
  • Phidias, drame antique (1863)
  • Auguste, sa famille et ses amis (1867)
  • Causeries sur l'art (1867)
  • Histoire de l'art grec avant Périclès (1868)
  • Tibère et l'héritage d'Auguste (1868)
  • Le Sang de Germanicus (1869)
  • Titus et sa dynasty (1870)
  • Le Drame du Vésuve (1872)
  • Fouilles et découvertes résumées et discutées en vue de l'histoire de l'art (2 volumes, 1876)


  • Adolphe Robert, Gaston Cougny (eds.): Dictionnaire des parlementaires français 1789–1889 . Bourloton, Paris 1891

Web links

Commons : Charles Beulé  - collection of images, videos and audio files