Charlotte zu der Luth

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Charlotte Zu der Luth , née Lusk (born February 2, 1894 in Korneuburg , † May 9, 1972 in Vienna-Alsergrund ) was an Austrian reciter .


Hermine Rosa Charlotte Lusk attended elementary and secondary school in the Ursuline convent in Vienna and the Römer language school in Vienna. In 1914 she obtained the license to teach after having passed the state examination for French with distinction . During the following World War I , Charlotte Zu der Luth was involved in the field of war aid, for which she was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit with a crown on a red and white ribbon with swords . From 1920 to 1922 Luth worked as a journalist for the Austrian press. She then began studying speech training and rhetoric at the University of Vienna with Drach, Geissler and Rutz , which she completed with very good success in the winter semester of 1941/42. The following year, 1943, she became a teacher of German speech at the Conservatory for Music and Dramatic Art in Vienna . At that time she was an active member of the Reichstheaterkammer , and after the Second World War she joined the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions , Stage Members section. In July 1944 she was appointed lecturer for German language studies and rhetoric at the University of Vienna. After the end of the war, in October 1950 she passed the vocational matriculation examination for the study of German and philosophy and in 1951 a supplementary examination for the study of newspaper science . In the winter semester of 1951/52 she enrolled at the University of Vienna to study newspaper studies and German philology . On July 2, 1953, she received his doctorate from the University of Vienna Dr. phil. She was involved in the Viennese language society, in the mother tongue association and in the Austrian Goethe Society . She was the author of Eckartbote n, the monthly magazine of the right-wing extremist Österreichischen Landsmannschaft .

Charlotte Zu der Luth was married to Rudolf Zu der Luth (1880–1961), who later became Major General of the Wehrmacht , in 1918 .


  • To the Luth, Hermine Rosa Charlotte (1953). Joseph Christian Freiherr von Zedlitz as officiosus of the Buol-Schauenstein Ministry and his reporting in the "Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung" during the Crimean War, 1853-1856 . Phil. Diss. Vienna.
  • To the Luth, Hermine Rosa Charlotte (1955). “The Schiller picture of the present. At the end of the Schiller year. ”In: Eckartbote . Volume 3. Issue 12. S. 4.

Individual evidence

  1. Death register of the registry office Vienna-Alsergrund No. 1083/1972.
  2. To der Luth, Hermine Rosa Charlotte (1953). Joseph Christian Freiherr von Zedlitz as officiosus of the Buol-Schauenstein Ministry and his reporting in the "Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung" during the Crimean War, 1853-1856 . Phil. Diss. Vienna.
  3. ^ Announcements from the Mutterssprachige Verein, Vienna . Volume 3/1953. Issue 4. p. 14.
  4. ^ Yearbook of the Austrian Goethe Society 1950. P. xxix.
  5. Austrian National Library. Eckartbote authors .
  6. To der Luth, Hermine Rosa Charlotte (1955). “The Schiller picture of the present. At the end of the Schiller year. ”In: Eckartbote . Volume 3. Issue 12. S. 4.
  7. Contacts of the ÖLM , DÖW
  8. Marriage book of the Roman Catholic. Parish Innsbruck – St. Nicholas Volume IV, fol. 126.