Chen Xinren

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Chen Xinren ( Chinese  陈 辛 仁 ; born November 1915 in Puning , Guangdong ; † July 2005 ) was a diplomat of the People's Republic of China who was ambassador several times .


Chen Xinren joined the Chinese Revolutionary Communist Party (CCP) in the summer of 1933, working as an editor and teacher. Then he was section head in the anti-enemy department of the New Fourth Army, founded on October 12, 1937, in which he was also a teacher in the training brigade and head of the political section of the Communist Youth League as well as director and later general director of the propaganda section of the political department. He later served as the general director of the Propaganda Department and a member of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Province Party Committee, and most recently director of the Culture and Education Department of the Fuzhou Military Control Commission .

After the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949, Chen became deputy secretary and member of the secretariat of the Fujian Province Party Committee and also vice-chairman of the People's Government of that province. In September 1954 he replaced Geng Biao as ambassador to Finland and remained in this post until December 1958, whereupon Gan Yetao succeeded him there in February 1959. After his return, between January 1959 and May 1966 he was president and party secretary of the Institute for International Affairs, which is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as a member of the Foreign Ministry's party committee. In 1959 he became a member of the National People's Congress , to which he formally belonged in the second and third legislative periods until 1975. After having held no office for several years during the Cultural Revolution , he became the first ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Iran in March 1972 and held this position until November 1974, after which Hao Deqing succeeded him in December 1974.

Chen Xinren himself took over from Hao Deqing in January 1975 as ambassador to the Netherlands and held this post until July 1978, whereupon Ding Xuesong took over in February 1979. He then replaced Ke Hua as ambassador to the Philippines in October 1978 and held this position until December 1980, after which Mo Yanzhong did not become his successor until July 1982. After his return, he served as the deputy director and deputy secretary of the party leadership group in the Committee on Foreign Cultural Relations of the State Council of the People's Republic of China between February 1981 and June 1982 and then between July 1982 and July 1986 as an advisor to the Ministry of Culture and director of the Committee on Foreign Cultural Relations a vice minister.

Most recently, in August 1986, Chen became vice-chairman of the Chinese Association for International Culture, deputy director of the Commission for the Collection of Party History in the Ministry of Culture, and professor at the Foreign Affairs College.

Web link

  • Biography on the homepage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Individual evidence

  1. Chinese Ambassadors to Finland on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
  2. Chinese Ambassadors to Iran on the Foreign Ministry website
  3. Chinese Ambassadors to the Netherlands on the Foreign Ministry website
  4. ^ Chinese Ambassadors to the Philippines on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website