
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Choireas ( Middle Greek Χοιρέας ; † approx. March 824 ) was a Byzantine rebel and follower of the counter-emperor Thomas the Slav .


After Emperor Leo V was murdered in December 820 at the instigation of General Michael , Thomas rebelled against the new ruler in Constantinople and was crowned emperor in Asia Minor with the backing of Caliph Al-Ma'mun . During the uprising, Choireas was in command of the Kabala fortress near Iconium in the Anatolicon theme , which he held after the capture and execution of Thomas and his co-regent Anastasios in the autumn of 823. Emperor Michael II offered him the title of Magistros to give up his resistance by Chrysobull , but Choireas refused and continued to make raids from his base. Michael managed to bribe the subordinates of the Choireas so that he could not return to Kabala. While trying to flee to the Abbasid Caliphate in Syria , the rebel was caught and executed.

Another supporter of Thomas, Gazareno's colony , was also able to assert itself in Galatia until the spring of 824 , after which it suffered the same fate as Choireas.

