Christa Kozik

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Christa Kozik (born January 1, 1941 in Liegnitz ; actually probably Kożik , also Kočik and Kožik ) is a German writer , film scenarist and radio play author .


Kozik first came to Thuringia as a child in 1945 and then grew up in Kleinmachnow near Potsdam. After an apprenticeship as a cartographic draftsman, she worked as an assistant in the DEFA documentary film studio from 1969 and studied dramaturgy at the Babelsberg University of Film and Television from 1970 to 1976 . From 1977 to 1978 he studied at the Literature Institute in Leipzig. She lives as a freelance writer in Potsdam- Babelsberg .


Her main works are books and films for children, and she has often worked with director Rolf Losansky . But she has also worked on subjects for adults, such as the fate of Hölderlin in the film scenario for Half of Life .

Often their stories are about problems that every child may encounter in everyday life. The author portrays them in a fairytale-like way, with humor and a poetic eye. In doing so, she also takes up unreal solutions and plays them through.

A not fairy-tale-like, but poetic film by the author achieved a downright proverb in East Germany: Seven Freckles . It's about first love; Here, too, the author supports her heroes, a young couple in love, against the morally sour frowns of adults - even with Shakespeare . In the film Green Wedding , she extended the romantic story into everyday life.

Christa Kozik is one of the permanent authors of the RotFuchs magazine .

She is the grandmother of the actor and musician Christoph Kozik , who became famous for the children's and youth series Schloss Einstein in the early 2000s.

Works (selection)


  • Poem my little brother . In: The cat is sitting in the lilac tree. A yearbook for children , Der Kinderbuchverlag, Berlin 1977
  • Half of life . In: The Chicken of Columbus. Espresso stories , New Life Publishing House, Berlin 1981
  • A letter to the children . In: I like to live so much. A peace book for children , Der Kinderbuchverlag, Berlin 1982
  • Matschka . In: The Acrobat on the Roof , Der Kinderbuchverlag, Berlin, 1987, ISBN 3-358-00786-3
  • Limited happiness. Childhood in the GDR , Hitzeroth-Verlag, Marburg 1992, ISBN 3-89398-089-X


  • Poems . New Life Publishing House, Berlin 1980 (Issue 158 from the Poesiealbum series )
  • Moritz in the advertising column . Der Kinderbuchverlag, Berlin 1980 (Benziger, 1982, ISBN 3-545-32217-3 (as a licensed edition; title Moritz and the speaking cat ); Kinderbuchverlag, 1993 ISBN 3-358-02071-1 (probably modified version))
  • The angel with the golden mustache , Der Kinderbuchverlag, Berlin 1983 (Kinderbuchverlag, 1994, ISBN 3-358-01446-0 (probably modified version))
  • A snowman for Africa . Der Kinderbuchverlag, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-358-00930-0 (Arena Verlag, 1988, ISBN 3-401-07018-5 ; LeiV, 1995, ISBN 3-928885-40-5 )
  • Arabian Nights. Poems . New life publishing house, Berlin 1988, ISBN 3-355-00646-7
  • Henriette the snail . Young World Publishing House, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-7302-0630-3 (cardboard picture book)
  • Kicki and the King. A cat novel . Der Kinderbuchverlag, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-358-01346-4 (continues the story of Moritz in the advertising column ; Hoch-Verlag, 1990, ISBN 3-7779-0463-5 ; Thienemann Verlag, 1997, ISBN 3-522 -17137-3 )
  • Gritta from the rat castle . Hoch-Verlag, 1991, ISBN 3-7779-0475-9 (based on motifs from the fairy tale novel The Life of High Countess Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns by Gisela and Bettina von Arnim ); New edition by Altberliner Verlag under the title: Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns , 1994, ISBN 3-357-00957-9 ; New edition as an e-book by EditionDigital under the title Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns - vom Rattenschloss , 2012, ISBN 978-3-86394-358-5
  • The enchanted burglar . LeiV, 1994, ISBN 3-928885-64-2
  • Philip and the cat tiger . 2001: LeiV, ISBN 3-89603-077-9 (probably book version of the film Philip the Little )
  • Arabian Nights. Poems . Märkischer Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-931329-30-5
  • Trumpet Anton or The Secret of the Silver Tone . 2003 (probably book version of the film Trumpet Tone )



Web links

References and comments

  1. Note: The author's name is spelled differently in their works, sometimes even in the same book different spellings are used on the cover and the title page.