Trumpet Anton

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Original title Trumpet Anton
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1981
length 58 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Wolfgang Huebner
script Christa Kozik
production Peter Mäbert
for television in the GDR
music Peter Gotthardt
camera Ralf Neubert
cut Barbara Kelm

Trompeten-Anton is a German children's film directed by Wolfgang Hübner in 1981 .


Anton grew up in the circus . His father was a magician here, his mother worked as a circus rider. One day Anton was crying again and suddenly heard the music clown from the Rico circus play the trumpet. He immediately stopped crying. As he grew up, he began to play the trumpet. He quickly realized that one day he wanted to become a music clown.

The parents give up life in the circus when mother Eisenberg has the fourth child. You are moving to a large city in a new apartment on the 18th floor. The father makes his living building houses, even if he doesn't enjoy the work. Anton is now practicing in the apartment, but soon gets into trouble with the neighbors, who complain about the noise. Mr. Wintermeier is a truck driver and sleeps during the day. Now he is constantly woken up by Anton's music and is afraid that the pictures will fall off the walls. Neighbor Karsch, on the other hand, claims that his plaster crumbles as soon as the music starts playing. The Pille girl is looking for new practice rooms with Anton. Anton has to go into the washroom because the game causes the detergent to foam excessively in the machines. Even the attempt to block the elevator in order to be able to practice in peace in the cabin only causes new resentment among the residents. Finally, Anton finds a corner in the park near the train tracks where nobody is bothered by his trumpet playing - making music in the high-rise has meanwhile been banned.

Anton soon perfected the trumpet to such an extent that, while secretly practicing in the apartment, he hit the magical "silver tone" that, in his father's opinion, turns every music lover into a music lover. In Anton's case, his room door opens as if by magic while playing the tone. Anton checks his theory and plays his melody in a silver tone to the boy next door who has excluded himself. Here too the door opens. Other attempts are ambiguous, as the doors are occasionally actually opened by people by chance.

One day the plump Frau Karsch is stuck in the elevator. She panics and her son calls Anton for help. With his game and the silver tone he opens the elevator door. There is a rethink among the residents, because Anton’s trumpet can work wonders. In the event of a power failure, playing the trumpet restores the electrical system, and exploded fire extinguishers also repair themselves when Anton plays. He would not only like to make music in peace, especially since he is now attending a music school and is one of the best students in the class, but also play on the meadow in front of the high-rise. This is forbidden for children, however, and caretaker Schlappke always refers to the regulation when Anton asks him. Suddenly there is a burst water pipe in Grandma Busekow's apartment and Schlappke cannot stop the flow of water. He asks Anton for trumpet help, but he only accepts on the condition that the meadow belongs to the children in the future. Inevitably, Schlappke agrees and Anton trumpets the whole line. A little later, the meadow in front of the house has become a large children's playground, which adults can also enjoy. The skyscraper, on the other hand, is now known throughout the city as a music house, as numerous house residents have now discovered an instrument for themselves - even if it's just playing the recorder to get the car's engine to start faster.


Trumpet Anton was for the Christmas program of children's television of the GDR in 1981. The costumes created Ulrike sleeping man who Filmbauten come from Sabine Kuhnt . Peter Hennicke and Edgar Subke implemented the trick shots. The film's spokesman is Klaus Piontek . Trumpet Anton was shown for the first time on GDR television on December 26, 1981 in the festival program of GDR 1 . Icestorm released the film in 2011 as part of the DDR TV Archive series .


The film service called Trompeten-Anton an “imaginative story told with melancholy humor about a little boy who wants to become a music clown in the circus. TV film for children. "

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Trumpet Anton. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used