Christian crossbows

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Christian Armbrüster (born May 15, 1964 in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse ) is a professor at the Free University of Berlin and a former judge at the Supreme Court .


Armbrüster studied on a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and at the University of Geneva . He passed his two state law exams in 1988 and 1991 respectively. Armbrüster was a research associate at Jürgen Prölss . In 1994 he received his doctorate in private insurance law on the subject of the protection of liability interests in property insurance . In 2000 he completed his habilitation in company law with the subject of fiduciary participation in companies . In the same year Armbrüster accepted a call from the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg to the chair of private law I. In 2004 Armbrüster accepted a professorship for civil law , commercial and company law , private insurance law and international private law from the Free University of Berlin . He has been dean of the department since April 2015 .

Armbrüster was a member of the second civil senate with a focus on corporate law of the chamber court.

Armbrüster has been visiting professor at the Université Paris XI , at the LUISS Università in Rome , at the Center for Transnational Legal Studies in London and at the University of California . He also regularly teaches in Barcelona , Paris , Connecticut , London and Rome.

Research priorities and memberships

Armbrüster's research focuses on civil law (in particular: the general part of the BGB), insurance law and company law.

Armbrüster is an insurance advisory board at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in Bonn . Furthermore, he is a member of the Association for the Promotion of Insurance Science in Berlin eV and co-head of the insurance law specialist group of the German Association for Insurance Science eV He is also an advisory board member of both the Hamburg Society for the Promotion of Insurance and the Legal Society in Berlin .

Individual evidence

  1. Handbuch der Justiz 2008/2009 p. 127 ISBN 9783768509077